Tag Archive for lelo

Blog Kama sutra Sex Position Sex Tips & Advice Spirituality and sex  Sex & Spirituality: The Kama Sutra Edition

Sex & Spirituality: The Kama Sutra Edition

The Kama Sutra, written in Sansrift by Indian philosopher, Mallanga Vatsyayana, is not only one of the oldest texts surrounding erotica, but also one that encourages the celebration of sex and spirituality , and educates its readers on how to live a well-balanced, successful, and harmonized life in a meaningful way.  And it’s come a…

Blog Penis Sex Tips & Advice  Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised: Is There a Difference?

Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised: Is There a Difference?

If you’re reading this article right now, especially if you sought it out specifically, then you already know some of the commonly held beliefs around circumcised and uncircumcised penises. Cut (circumcised) guys claim theirs are cleaner, uncut (uncircumcised) fellas swear that they feel more fully the pleasures of sex. In fact, this same question is…

Blog Erectile Dysfunction LELO NEWSWIRE Penis  Are Penis Pumps the Solution for Erectile Dysfunction?

Are Penis Pumps the Solution for Erectile Dysfunction?

In a world where 30-somethings ogle over wrinkles, and lip fillers are used to eradicate a lack of self-confidence , there are actually more pressing medical issues that deserve a bit of attention. And today, we’re going to shine some light on erectile dysfunction, a condition that affects approximately 10 percent of men, per decade…

Better Sex Blog Sex Tips & Advice Sexual Health  Here’s What Stress Does to Your Sex Life (& What You Can Do About It)

Here’s What Stress Does to Your Sex Life (& What You Can Do About It)

Okay so no surprise here as we get started: stress isn’t good for you. You know this, yet you also know that especially now, it’s nearly completely unavoidable. From your twitter feed to your morning commute, the stresses of modern life compound and we all deal with them in different ways, just like stress has…

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