They looked over curiously at the men shuffling in together each holding the hand of the man in front and behind him. Wearing only boxer shorts, they wore black hoods with small openings for their eyes – hoods to protect their identity. What about our identities? he thought as he leaned forward looking lazily over…
Among the Stars – A Gay Erotic Story
“Oh come on! Knock it off!” The words were followed by a low, breathless chuckle as a calloused hand shoved at his abdomen. He grinned, nuzzling at the nape of the neck under his nose as he tightened his hold on the man in his arms. “But it’s true! You’ve got the most beautiful laugh.”…
A Friend Indeed – A Gay Erotic Story
Spence had worked for A Friend Indeed for nearly three years and, as he was now the employee with the most seniority, he was offered the new clients first. “What do you think?” Gretchen, his boss, asked. “You want this one?” Spence thought it over. “Yeah, I’ll take it, help get it all set up.”…

The Sensation of Sound Ch. 2 – A Gay Erotic Story
Last Chapter “Uuhhh…” Kayne shuddered as the dull, listless voice scraped up the back of his arms. “I’m lookin’ fer a Kayne Wright?” He blinked, swiveling in his desk chair to find a short, pudgy man in a wrinkled blue polo standing a few cubicles down from him. In his hands was a small, rectangular…

Alter Soldier – A Gay Erotica Story
As usual, in the lab the lights emanate from everywhere yet nowhere. However, this time he’s strapped face-down to the cold metal table, his legs spread; it doesn’t matter what he can or cannot see. He’s naked. His heart is pounding. The pain is coming. There is no stopping the pain from coming. “You’ll forget…

Paparazzi – A Gay Erotica Story
Connor walked into the living room in black briefs and a sheer robe. He threw himself down on the ottoman and sighed dramatically. Lukas, seated snugly on the couch, glanced up from his laptop. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he reached out and nudged Connor’s calf with his foot. “What’s wrong with you?”…

The Sensation of Sound – A Gay Erotic Story
It was silent apart from the gentle patter of raindrops. He could almost forget that he was pushing his way down a crowded sidewalk to get to the rideshare parking lot. Just as he did every weekday. However, instead of the usual sharp, pricking sensation along his skin caused by the bustle of a city…

Code – A Gay Erotica Story
It was not just beeping, it was radiating. A signal, in red circular waves. Somewhere nearby, a man was in need of a blowjob and Alfie was determined to find him. He used his cellphone like a compass – holding it in the palm of his hand and pointing it in slightly varying directions, finding…

Caught – A Gay Erotic Story
Martin hated clubs. They played the music too loud and people jostled him. Yet, Martin found himself aglow in reddish-orange light, his fingers tapping on a wooden bar. Glitter dusted the dark floor and black stools. Martin blinked through a strobe as he looked over his shoulder at him. Martin hated to admit that he…

Eight Second Ride – A Gay Erotica Story
Could he stick out any more like a sore thumb? With the amount of people staring at him, he’d expected to look down and see a frilly pink dress stretched obscenely over his torso and hips with a pair of stiletto heels on his feet, but he was only wearing his usual pressed black slacks…

Starstruck Lover – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
Their eyes met from across the room. He blushed as he looked away, and Nick realized that he had been staring at him. His shirt tightened and showed his muscles rippling beneath it as he tugged at it, clearly uncomfortable with the knowledge of Nick’s gaze. Nick shook himself. What was he doing? Spending a…

An Athlete’s Confession – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
As an athlete, I learned early the importance of keeping your body tuned and maintained. The sports chiropractor and I were on a regular schedule to keep my body inline. Over the years, I continued looking for a regular massage therapist that would support my flexibility and my needs to be fit. I lamented losing…

Pressure – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
“You know that’s not my thing, Phillip.” He said, shifting forward, hands planted either side of his thighs. “But thanks,” he chuckled. The towel over his lap folded forward, teasing exposure. He made no effort to adjust it. “I suppose other guys have asked you the same thing,” I said, returning the chuckle and covering…

Punitive Reconciliation – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
My man pushes me against the wall in front of our condo entry door. His left hand grabs my jaw as he french kisses me passionately. His right hand is already unfastening my belt. The fever has overwhelmed us from the moment we stepped inside that taxi. We’re not the makeup sex type of couple,…

Bartender – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
While bartending one evening, HE walks in. You know the type. The confident, intimidating alpha male that demands the room acknowledges his presence. His slate eyes indicate he is secretive, the way he dresses indicates discretion, but that smile, well that smile indicates he wants me, which makes me nervous. Nervous and hard with desire,…

The Way We Met – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
The last of the boxes unpacked had Max officially moved into Henry’s condo. The two sat down on the couch together, Max passing him a cold beer, tapped the neck of his bottle to Henry’s, “Cheers! To officially moving in together.” “To us,” Henry replied before taking a sip. He let the cold lager slide…

Score – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
It seemed like they were trying to save him, but Radical Zombie Saviors are tricky that way; one moment they’re saving you from an all-out attack, the next minute your asshole’s impaled. I wasn’t sure Finn wanted to be saved, still, I stayed in the safety of the alcove – in the shadows – and…

Have You Read our Gay Erotica Winning Stories? Meet the Finalists
What better way to get your sexual juices flowing than by writing out your wildest fantasy? Well, that’s exactly what LELO wanted our readers to do. We hosted a gay erotica contest to showcase what’s been cooking in your minds while we’ve had so much time to ourselves, and boy, the entries did not disappoint.…

Dirty Little Secret – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story
Tim kept his hands in his pockets as he sauntered down the hall. He’d worried that finding Jonathan’s office would take time. But, with all the floor-to-ceiling glass, he’d see his face before a name plaque. A few passing suits shot him odd looks, but no one stopped him. He smiled at the one woman…

Four Black Walls – A Gay Erotica Winning Story
The olive-toned skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat and was stretched taut over lean muscles. There was a light dusting of dark hair that covered the chest, arms and legs. Those perfectly sculpted limbs, in his opinion, quaked with anticipation. He hummed softly, the sound loud in the otherwise silent room. The body…

An Officer, Not a Gentleman: Part I – A Gay Erotic Series
It was high summer, and I was on one of my paid dates – with a woman you understand. She had hired me as a walker through my usual agency. If she had had any idea of my proclivities she didn’t mention that she knew. She was German, and younger than my normal clients ,…

An Officer, Not a Gentleman: Part II – A Gay Erotic Series
There was a different world beyond the heavy velvet curtains. A long, high-ceilinged empty corridor. The age of the building was more obvious – heavy flagstones on the floor, dimpled from four hundred years of heavy riding boots – and a musty smell of leather and a faint taste of metal in my mouth and,…

Sunset Boulevard, Part 2 – A Gay Erotic Series
A smaller hand. My pupils dilated in a shot – and there she was in the candlelight. Smiling at me – a rather similar lop-sided grin to the one that he had given me in the office. Maybe he’d borrowed it off her. Her hand stroked down my chest and, without a how-do-you-do, made…

Sunset Boulevard, Part I – A Gay Erotic Series
I hadn’t expected her to be there. He didn’t mention it. When he invited me back for dinner, I saw the expression around his mouth – his full mouth – the half smile, the glance up and down my body, resting in a very obvious way on the front of my jeans, the way he…

LELO’s First Ever GAY Erotica Contest—Prizes & More!
*This contest is open to everyone, however, the submissions must be gay male themed. After we wrapped up our Virtual Pride Month celebrations and our “Dear Younger Queer Self ” contest, we realized that our gay male erotica category should use some beefing up to better represent our diversity. That’s where you beefcakes come in!…

Sex Aequo Window – An Erotic Story
One month since the beginning of confinement. My boyfriend is spending his days in endless phone calls and zoom meetings while I stay parked in the bedroom, not allowed to show my face. As a freelance journalist, I am used to staying at home. Unfortunately, I am facing my worst case of writer’s block and…

Between the Dark and Light – #StayHome Erotica Contest Finalist Story
The bar had a crack in the ceiling that spanned the length of the thousand square foot container for all things everyone twenty minutes East of here would lose their shit over. Just two Monday’s ago Jim, the owner, hosted a piss party on the back patio to celebrate the end of July. Twelve muscle…

Should I Keep Him? – An Erotic Story
Now, I could sit here and bore you with every other little detail. How I got where I’m at in my 45 years of life. How I’m a rather tall guy with handsome features. I could also tell you about all my failed relationships but all of this would take forever. I could also tell…

Who Am I? – An Erotic Story
I can remember as far back as my high school days and even now, that being around a certain type of guy always made me nervous. It wasn’t until just a few weeks ago that I was able to piece together the why. Up until that moment, it was always like a puzzle in my…