If you’re a expecting, you’re probably thinking a lot about how your life will change when baby arrives, including your sex life. You might be experiencing conflicting feelings about having sex, and even wonder whether sex will feel different during pregnancy. Research shows that, on average, people experience a decrease in sexual activity during pregnancy…
Sexual Health
Is Your Sex Life Merely Chug Chug Chugging Along?
Are you sex-stuck? Yup, I just made that up. But please, feel free – make it a hashtag. You know you wanna. Here’s what I’m really asking: is your sex life yawn-inducing? Same ol’ same ol’? BOR-ING??!! Don’t worry – we’ve got you. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, sex can be deprioritized for…
Can I Have Sex if I Have Heart Problems?
Not to start this out on a somber note, but cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease takes an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, the majority due to heart attacks and strokes. It’s hard to get an accurate number on how many people…
Is Micro-Cheating a Thing?
Have you heard the term “micro-cheating”? Maybe you think it’s just the latest in a long line of fabricated TikTok hashtags designed for easy click bate. But actually, micro-cheating refers to real life behaviors that can wreak havoc on relationships. While there isn’t one reigning definition of micro-cheating, most experts agree with what Psychology Today…
How Does Affection Affect Long-Term Relationships?
When a relationship is new, it’s filled with excitement, warmth and goodwill. Most people – even those who aren’t touchy feely – enjoy some type of physical connection that isn’t necessarily sexual. Holding hands, arms around one another, hugs, playing footsie – all of these behaviors signal “hey – I really want you in my…
The Role of the Cervix During Sex
The female anatomy has been widely understudied and misunderstood… until now that is. People with vaginas, or those assigned female at birth (AFAB), have probably been well aware of the power of the cervix for as long as humans have been around. But growing research in the field of sexual health, especially female anatomy, has…
Penis Perils: 8 Afflictions to Avoid!
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Justin Lehmiller, a social psychologist, researcher and award-winning educator. For more information: Website | Publications | Instagram Sensitive souls might like to look away now – particularly if they have a penis. Thing is, there’s a reason some guys call it their ‘crown jewels’: their penis is precious,…
What Sex Therapy Actually Looks Like
Sex allows us to connect with our bodies and partners, experience deep pleasure, and create more joy in life. For many people, however, sex is far from straightforward. Luckily, there’s an industry of sexual and mental health professionals who are dedicated to helping people overcome sexual obstacles and get back on the path to pleasure. …
The Best Sex Toys for Menopausal Women
A lot of people talk about menopause and all the unpleasant side effects that come with it – hot flashes, mood swings, skin dryness, and sleep issues. But not enough people talk about how menopause might impact your sex life and, most importantly – what to do about it. Just because you reached a certain…
Hug a Prostate: Proper Care for Your Pleasure Gland
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Justin Lehmiller, a social psychologist, researcher and award-winning educator. For more information: Website | Publications | Instagram From pegging to butt plugs to anal vibrators to milking, as well as fingering and (for some) even fisting, stimulating the prostate can be a source of so much sexual pleasure to…
Celebrating Pride & Diverse Relationships
Happy Pride! While I’m a firm believer in celebrating the LGBTQ2IA+ community each and every day of the year, I’ll gladly take a month of publicly acknowledging the contributions of queer individuals, of uplifting those who call for equality and kindness and love and for speaking out on behalf of those who can’t because their…
The New Menopause Movement
“Why is it so hard to find information about this?” my clients in peri/menopause ask me with earnest desperation. My usual retort? “Well, consider the fact 100 years ago, the average life expectancy for women was 60. So, the minute someone started to complain of hot flashes or night sweats, funerals were planned”. It’s not…
How Your Body Might React While Getting Off Birth Control
As incredible as birth control has been for women in the modern world, it’s still a medication with side effects. People may get off of birth control because they’re trying to conceive, experiencing unwanted side effects, or hoping to be more in tune with their bodies. The reasons someone gets off birth control are completely…
Finally, an OTC Birth Control Pill
Something happened in March of this year that should have happened a long time ago. The very first over-the-counter birth control pill approved by the FDA was made available without a prescription in pharmacies all across America. “Opill ”, a progestin-only tablet, has been around for decades, but it’s manufacturer, Perrigo, says it took 9…
How Does Toxic Masculinity Harm Men?
What is toxic masculinity? Before we even define the term, we need to know more about the second word than the first, more incendiary one. Masculinity can have lots of different meanings across individuals, families, cultures and societies. Merriam Webster says that masculinity is “the quality or nature of the male sex : the quality, state, or…
Do Thin Condoms Break Easier?
We love sex. Especially when done responsibly. Condoms are an essential sexual health tool for many people. Finding the right condom, however, can be a bit of a hassle. The right condom can make a huge difference in your pleasure and your sexual health. A good condom needs to have a lot going for it…
Can Sex During Pregnancy Harm My Baby?
One of the most common concerns couples have while pregnant is whether or not having sex during pregnancy is safe or if they should avoid any sexual activity completely. So, let’s answer some of the most common questions you might have about sex during pregnancy and whether or not it is safe. Pregnancy sex safety…
Arousal Non-Concordance, Explained
The human sexual response cycle is a complex phenomenon and is often more complicated than people make it out to be. It’s normal to think that certain signals mean someone is turned on, like men getting erections or women getting wet. That’s not always the case. You may have even experienced this yourself – have…
Do Condoms Cause UTIs?
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a pain in the… well, urethra. Not only are they incredibly uncomfortable, but they can also potentially lead to bladder and kidney infections, not fun! Since the beginning of time, women have been told to pee after sex. While there’s little scientific evidence on whether this actually helps prevent UTIs,…
Mindfulness Really Can Improve Your Sex Life
Many people are under the impression that mindfulness exercises should be practiced in total silence. And while, sure, that’s ideal in some instances, the beauty of mindfulness is that you can depend on it no matter your environmental circumstances. Any mindfulness instructor will tell you that sometimes it’s more important to be present and grounded…
Educational Tool for Sexual Anxiety
Low body image and sexual performance anxiety are common, yet unlikely topics of discussion. And not talking about them only adds to these issues. If you experience sexual anxiety and have body image issues know that you’re not alone. Around 16% of women and 25% of men experience sexual performance anxiety. According to experts, around…
Does Squirting Stop After Menopause?
For women, menopause is just a part of life, but the end of your reproductive years certainly doesn’t mean the end of your sex life. Lots of things are changing during this new season of your life, but many things will stay the same. Luckily, the conversation on sex after menopause is gaining some momentum,…
Is HRT the End-All-Be-All?
Just a few short years ago, anyone with a uterus was hard-pressed to find accurate and evidence-based information on peri/menopause. And then, like pennies from heaven, it was all around us. Social media, talk shows, blogs, newspaper and magazine articles were finally giving us and our lived experiences the respect we deserved. While those of…
Spice It Up: It’s All About the Novelty
It’s inevitable – long-term partners are gonna get bored. Maybe it’s the conversation, your daily routine or the same old weekend plans. At some point, sex might also morph into a yawn-apalooza. Being with a long-term partner can mean a lifetime of love, connectedness, commitment and care. And contrary to popular belief, it can also…
Does Stress Affect Fertility?
It’s generally accepted by the medical community that chronic stress can lead to wide-ranging physical and behavioral health issues. When we experience any kind of upset, our nervous systems trigger the “fight-flight-freeze” response. That’s a protective function. But when it happens too frequently, and if we aren’t able to manage symptoms, we’re at increased risk…
Erectile Dysfunction in Younger Men Is Common. But Why?
Years ago, I was interviewed for an article on Erectile Dysfunction in young men. It was interesting to talk to a young female reporter who knew absolutely nothing about the subject. She sent me a long list of questions and we had several long discussions on the phone. I thought that this was a great…
Echoes from the Bedroom: The Curious Rise of Rabbit Vibrators
In the ever-evolving landscape of sexual wellness, one product has hopped its way into the spotlight, carving out a niche that continues to grow in both popularity and acceptance – the rabbit vibrator. Once a hushed secret, these devices are now celebrated for their role in fostering sexual exploration and well-being. The Historical Hop: From…
How Open Should I Be with my Doctor?
It’s generally accepted among medical providers that the more information a patient shares, the better the care they can provide. There are very strong arguments for accurately answering everything a doctor asks you about your medical history and your current health and well-being. But what if there are details you don’t want to share because…
Should You Stalk Your Ex and Why is it So Addictive?
(Trigger Warning: while the word “stalk” appears in the blog below, please note that it’s being used in the non-menacing vernacular (as a synonym for “search”). The origin of the word means something entirely different – “stalking” in its original form is of serious nature and potentially dangerous. If you believe you are the victim…
Sharing Sex Toys With Your Partners: What’s Safe & What’s Not
Do you share sex toys with a partner? Owning and using sex toys is definitely popular – 52.5% of women and 44.8% of men have used sex toys at least once before. While sex toys used to be a thing to use only solo, more and more people are not shying away from using them…
So, When Do I Get My Pap Now?
It used to be so simple. You went to see your gynecologist once per year. Your breasts would be checked, you’d have the dreaded pelvic exam that included STI testing and the pap, and then you’d be on your merry way. Phew, check that off the list until next year! But in recent years, things…
Queer People Own More Sex Toys, Research Reveals
It’s no secret that the orgasm gap still exists to this day, especially in heterosexual relationships. While 95% of heterosexual men report having an orgasm during partnered sex, only 65% of heterosexual women report the same. The stats are a bit different when it comes to queer relationships. Studies show that gay men orgasm 89%…
How Does Sexual Arousal Change Across the Menstrual Cycle?
The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases—each of which are distinctly different. And during each phase, there are a lot of hormonal ups and downs, especially with the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Now these changes in hormones can bring about all sorts of moods, behaviors, cravings, energy or lack thereof, motivation, and more. …
Authentic- The Word of the Year
Bet you couldn’t avoid “Best Of” lists last month as the year came to a close. Professional critics, influencers, and amateur bloggers alike love to get in on it, giving their seals of approval to a wide swath of items such as books, movies, sports highlights, gifts for hard-to-please Aunt Edna, sex toys (maybe Aunt…
How Trauma Can Affect Your Relationship
If you’ve experienced trauma – whether as a child or an adult – and if you haven’t received the support you need in order to process it thoroughly, relationships can be tricky. Before we jump into the interpersonal, let’s get a sense of what trauma is. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA)…
Sex in the Media: Explore or Ignore – “Naked Attraction”
You might think this British series is a spoof on other titles with similar names, but you would be wrong. “Naked Attraction ” is actually as literal as literal gets. Here’s the premise: a person looking for love (dressed – at least at first) gives the once-over to six fully nude people, each of whom…
Top 5 Foods for Men’s Peak Sexual Health
If your sexual health isn’t what you’d like it to be, your daily habits could be to blame. Things like tobacco, alcohol, and obesity will all decrease your fertility and negatively affect your sexual functioning. Fortunately, there are many simple things you can add to your lifestyle that will get you back on track toward…
Pregnancy Sex: What’s Okay and What’s Not
Congratulations! You’re embarking on a 9-month journey that is going to have its share of ups and downs, but doesn’t need to mean the end of ins and outs. During pregnancy, sex may be the furthest thing from your mind, or it may be the only thing you’re thinking about. Sex during pregnancy is totally…
Reduce Stress and Have Sex This Holiday Season
Let’s get right down to what you already know: the holiday season is upon us and that usually means a lot of added stress. The big headline? Stress and sex rarely mix. So, with all the travel and traffic and meal prep and gift lists and décor pressure and family pressure, etc., who can possibly…
Male Anatomy Explained
It’s a common myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University suggests the real number is likely closer to 19 times a day. Regardless of the figure, you can guarantee most of those thoughts concern getting busy between the sheets, and not what happens in the body. A…
All Lubed Up & Ready To Go: Why (and How) To Use Lube
This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. While the word ‘lube’ might conjure up memories of questionable frat-hosted wrestling events or comically over-sized tubs of jelly on a porn set, using lube is one of the best…
I Love to Laugh: A Meditation Guide
There are a lot of different types of meditations to choose from and one of them is Laughter Meditation. Laughing comes from deep inside us and there’s always a healthy supply. You may be self-conscious at first but laughing out loud, not texting it (lol), breaks up tension in the body as it relaxes the…
Why Children Need Sex Ed
Parenting would be a lot easier if it were like baking – exact ingredients, precise directions, specific chocolate-to-dough ratio, and voila! The perfect chocolate chip cookie! (Um, I mean, kid). While there’s literally no one specific recipe for raising children, a lot of parents incorporate informed decision-making in their approach. Choosing if, how, and when…
All Good in the Hood: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Clitoris
This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. 1. It’s More Than Meets the Eye A 3D model of the clitoris is just starting to make its rounds in Sex Ed. Classes, and honestly it’s about time. Everyone…
How is Andropause Diagnosed?
Andropause is similar to its female counterpart, menopause , and refers to declining levels of testosterone in aging men. Often referred to as Low T, this condition isn’t as widely understood as menopause, making it difficult for both patients and physicians to recognize. Fortunately, diagnostic tools for measuring testosterone levels are improving, making it easier…
Get That Laptop Off Your Uterus! …Right?
Last night, as I said goodnight to my almost-grown daughters, I noticed that each of their respective laptops rested directly on their respective laps. Hystero-Mamma kicked into high gear. “Girls – why aren’t you using pillows as a barrier between your computers and your ovaries? How many times do we have to review this? Don’t…
Are You Really More Horny on Your Period?
Do you ever find yourself extremely horny while on your period? If the answer is yes, know that you are definitely not the only one. And there are reasons why you might be feeling this way. Our sex drives are ever-changing and fluctuating, and there are a plethora of reasons, external and internal, that can…
Dear LELO: How Do I Tell My Partner I Have an STI?
This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Dear LELO, Help! After an abnormal Pap smear, I was referred for a colposcopy… and have been told I have HPV. I have no idea who I got this from…
Pelvic Floor Exercise: Why & How To Tone Kegels
This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. With all the lifting, stretching, running and sweating so many of us do at the gym however many times a week, we’re here to tell you about one muscle set…
Psycho-Emotional Symptoms of Menopause
Search for a numbered list of menopause symptoms on the web and you’ll find that there’s no one definitive inventory. One site says there are 34, another one says 66 – the cataloging varies widely. Since menopause research is relatively new and medical training for treatment is practically non-existent – and because each woman’s experience…