Men’s Sexual Health

Foreplay: Who’s it for? Everyone.

Sometimes, we are so turned on, so turned up, so tuned in that our bodies are not our own. We want be one with another (or, a good vibrator). The need to have sex – but mostly to get off – is primal, and occasionally a quickie is just what the hormones ordered. But please,…

How Does Affection Affect Long-Term Relationships?

When a relationship is new, it’s filled with excitement, warmth and goodwill. Most people – even those who aren’t touchy feely – enjoy some type of physical connection that isn’t necessarily sexual. Holding hands, arms around one another, hugs, playing footsie – all of these behaviors signal “hey – I really want you in my…

Celebrating Pride & Diverse Relationships

Happy Pride! While I’m a firm believer in celebrating the LGBTQ2IA+ community each and every day of the year, I’ll gladly take a month of publicly acknowledging the contributions of queer individuals, of uplifting those who call for equality and kindness and love and for speaking out on behalf of those who can’t because their…

How Does Toxic Masculinity Harm Men?

What is toxic masculinity? Before we even define the term, we need to know more about the second word than the first, more incendiary one. Masculinity can have lots of different meanings across individuals, families, cultures and societies. Merriam Webster says that masculinity is “the quality or nature of the male sex : the quality, state, or…

Spice It Up: It’s All About the Novelty

It’s inevitable – long-term partners are gonna get bored. Maybe it’s the conversation, your daily routine or the same old weekend plans. At some point, sex might also morph into a yawn-apalooza. Being with a long-term partner can mean a lifetime of love, connectedness, commitment and care. And contrary to popular belief, it can also…

Erectile Dysfunction in Younger Men Is Common. But Why?

Years ago, I was interviewed for an article on Erectile Dysfunction in young men. It was interesting to talk to a young female reporter who knew absolutely nothing about the subject. She sent me a long list of questions and we had several long discussions on the phone. I thought that this was a great…

What Does Cholesterol Have to do with Sexual Health?

You probably think that hamburgers and ice cream are only bad for your waistline, right? But what if they could actually put your sexual health in jeopardy? Read on to discover the important links between cholesterol and sexual health that all men should know. High Cholesterol Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction Many people see erectile dysfunction…

How Trauma Can Affect Your Relationship 

If you’ve experienced trauma – whether as a child or an adult – and if you haven’t received the support you need in order to process it thoroughly, relationships can be tricky.   Before we jump into the interpersonal, let’s get a sense of what trauma is. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA)…

Top 5 Foods for Men’s Peak Sexual Health

If your sexual health isn’t what you’d like it to be, your daily habits could be to blame. Things like tobacco, alcohol, and obesity will all decrease your fertility and negatively affect your sexual functioning. Fortunately, there are many simple things you can add to your lifestyle that will get you back on track toward…

Male Anatomy Explained

It’s a common myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University  suggests the real number is likely closer to 19 times a day. Regardless of the figure, you can guarantee most of those thoughts concern getting busy between the sheets, and not what happens in the body. A…

Why Children Need Sex Ed 

Parenting would be a lot easier if it were like baking – exact ingredients, precise directions, specific chocolate-to-dough ratio, and voila! The perfect chocolate chip cookie! (Um, I mean, kid).  While there’s literally no one specific recipe for raising children, a lot of parents incorporate informed decision-making in their approach. Choosing if, how, and when…

How is Andropause Diagnosed?

Andropause is similar to its female counterpart, menopause , and refers to declining levels of testosterone in aging men. Often referred to as Low T, this condition isn’t as widely understood as menopause, making it difficult for both patients and physicians to recognize. Fortunately, diagnostic tools for measuring testosterone levels are improving, making it easier…

Let’s Get To Know Clomid

The use of Clomid to increase testosterone levels has been in practice for many years.  Clomid is the preferred treatment to increase testosterone levels in men who want to maintain fertility options because testosterone replacement products (Testim, Androgel, etc) can decrease sperm production.  Over time, the use of testosterone can shut down sperm production by…

The More You Know: Erection Edition

To say that erections are mysterious is a bit of an understatement. When we were younger, erections seemed to happen at the most random and embarrassing moments! As we got older, an erection became a symbol of virility and deeply connected to our personal identity. For most men, erections are summoned and seem to arise…

Why Aren’t You Taking Your Medications? 

I went to a very progressive medical school, and one of the principles I learned was that it is not good enough to make the diagnosis and prescribe the right medications. You have to remove as many obstacles as possible that may be interfering with your patients taking the drug.  The most prevalent obstacles tend…

Blog Low Libido low T Men's Health Men's Sexual Health Testosterone TRT  Can Men Experience Low Libido?

Can Men Experience Low Libido?

When you hear the term “low libido”, who do you think of? In all likelihood, you think ofwomen. And you might also think that only women experience it. We tend to believe thatmen’s higher testosterone levels are protective in that way and that therefore, men are wiredto want to have sex 24/7. While there are…

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