Sexual Health

Reduce Stress and Have Sex This Holiday Season  

Let’s get right down to what you already know: the holiday season is upon us and that usually means a lot of added stress. The big headline? Stress and sex rarely mix. So, with all the travel and traffic and meal prep and gift lists and décor pressure and family pressure, etc., who can possibly…

Male Anatomy Explained

It’s a common myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University  suggests the real number is likely closer to 19 times a day. Regardless of the figure, you can guarantee most of those thoughts concern getting busy between the sheets, and not what happens in the body. A…

Better Sex Blog Fact-checked by Doctor Moisturizer Sexual Health  All Lubed Up & Ready To Go: Why (and How) To Use Lube

All Lubed Up & Ready To Go: Why (and How) To Use Lube

This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. While the word ‘lube’ might conjure up memories of questionable frat-hosted wrestling events or comically over-sized tubs of jelly on a porn set, using lube is one of the best…

I Love to Laugh: A Meditation Guide

There are a lot of different types of meditations to choose from and one of them is Laughter Meditation. Laughing comes from deep inside us and there’s always a healthy supply. You may be self-conscious at first but laughing out loud, not texting it (lol), breaks up tension in the body as it relaxes the…

Why Children Need Sex Ed 

Parenting would be a lot easier if it were like baking – exact ingredients, precise directions, specific chocolate-to-dough ratio, and voila! The perfect chocolate chip cookie! (Um, I mean, kid).  While there’s literally no one specific recipe for raising children, a lot of parents incorporate informed decision-making in their approach. Choosing if, how, and when…

Blog Clitoral Fact-checked by Doctor Sexual Health Sexual Wellness  All Good in the Hood: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Clitoris

All Good in the Hood: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About the Clitoris

This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. 1. It’s More Than Meets the Eye A 3D model of the clitoris is just starting to make its rounds in Sex Ed. Classes, and honestly it’s about time. Everyone…

How is Andropause Diagnosed?

Andropause is similar to its female counterpart, menopause , and refers to declining levels of testosterone in aging men. Often referred to as Low T, this condition isn’t as widely understood as menopause, making it difficult for both patients and physicians to recognize. Fortunately, diagnostic tools for measuring testosterone levels are improving, making it easier…

Get That Laptop Off Your Uterus! …Right?

Last night, as I said goodnight to my almost-grown daughters, I noticed that each of their respective laptops rested directly on their respective laps. Hystero-Mamma kicked into high gear. “Girls – why aren’t you using pillows as a barrier between your computers and your ovaries? How many times do we have to review this? Don’t…

Blog Fact-checked by Doctor Sexual Health STI  Dear LELO: How Do I Tell My Partner I Have an STI?

Dear LELO: How Do I Tell My Partner I Have an STI?

This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Dear LELO, Help! After an abnormal Pap smear, I was referred for a colposcopy… and have been told I have HPV. I have no idea who I got this from…

Blog Exercise Fact-checked by Doctor Health Kegel Sexual Health  Pelvic Floor Exercise: Why & How To Tone Kegels

Pelvic Floor Exercise: Why & How To Tone Kegels

This article was scientifically reviewed by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. She is a professor, researcher, private practitioner and Fellow of the American Psychological Association. With all the lifting, stretching, running and sweating so many of us do at the gym however many times a week, we’re here to tell you about one muscle set…

Psycho-Emotional Symptoms of Menopause  

Search for a numbered list of menopause symptoms on the web and you’ll find that there’s no one definitive inventory. One site says there are 34, another one says 66 – the cataloging varies widely. Since menopause research is relatively new and medical training for treatment is practically non-existent – and because each woman’s experience…

Is Porn Cheating?

How do you feel about porn? Now, how do you feel about someone consuming porn while in a committed relationship? Porn is one of those things that can be quite variable depending on the individuals involved, communication between those individuals, past behavior, and current relationship conditions – even the type of porn can be a…

It’s Time to Masturbate More (and Better)

Whether it’s exercising more, eating more sustainably, or saving money, we all want to improve our lives, but it can be a daunting task. Here is the perfect advice if you’re looking to get your life back into gear.  Masturbate more. Yup, you heard me. You should be masturbating more! Masturbation, and orgasms, have a…

Sex in the Media: Are You There, God? I Just Found the Holy Grail!

When I was growing up – before the internet got its greedy little hands on us – we had books and tv and movies and music. If we were lucky, we had parents who had healthy views on sex and welcomed the inevitable questions of burgeoning adolescents. While I was one such fortunate kid (and…

Why Aren’t You Taking Your Medications? 

I went to a very progressive medical school, and one of the principles I learned was that it is not good enough to make the diagnosis and prescribe the right medications. You have to remove as many obstacles as possible that may be interfering with your patients taking the drug.  The most prevalent obstacles tend…

Pride…All Year Long.

If you’re a member or an ally of the queer community, you know that Pride isn’t just one month of celebration. Being proud of who you are as an individual and as a sexual being (or not – that’s the “A” for asexual in LBGTQIA+) is something we strive to experience every day. But since…

Blog Sexual Health  Introducing SHIP: Sexual Health and Integrative Pleasure Model

Introducing SHIP: Sexual Health and Integrative Pleasure Model

A lot of the research on sexual health has historically focused on dysfunction and disorders like erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia. While this type of research is necessary, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Focusing solely on dysfunction misses the idea that humans are complex creatures with endless factors that influence how we engage with our…

Intimacy Shouldn’t Hurt

Intercourse should not hurt. I’m always surprised at how many of my patients have been suffering with painful intercourse of some kind for years. But I’m also so glad they have finally decided to seek treatment. There are many reasons why a woman might be suffering from painful intercourse. For example, lack of lubrication, vaginal…

So You’re Thinking About Getting a Vasectomy 

Considering this procedure? Then you’re in very good company. In fact, it’s becoming more and more commonplace, particularly here in the United States. While it can bring to mind words such as impossibly painful and very permanent, these are old school characterizations. Urologist Justin K. Houman of Cedar-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles gets it. “Because…

It’s Time to Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day

Learning to love yourself may be harder than learning to love someone else. And having a great sex life when you don’t love yourself – well that can be tricky. So here are some things to think about as we approach Valentine’s Day: Be your own best friend: When you start putting yourself down for…

Attachment Theory in Love & Relationships

Attachment theory is the best way to understand love and romantic relationships. “Pioneered by psychologist John Bowlby in the 1950′s, the field of attachment posits that each of us behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways: Anxious — people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partners ability to…

Sex in the Media: Explore or Ignore – “Fleischman is in Trouble”

If you haven’t caught this delightful FX-Hulu series yet, I highly recommend you do so. I’ve only seen the first episode, but I can’t wait to devour the rest of the season. “Fleischman is in Trouble” is based on the much-heralded 2019 book by Taffy Brodesser-Akner, and while I expected terrific performances by the likes…

The Many Benefits of Kegels

It’s almost Springtime, and that means later sunsets, al fresco dining, and hammocks gentlyrocking in the breeze. And that got me thinking – as a women’s health specialist – about thehammocks that aren’t suspended by trees but the ones that naturally hang from our pelvicbones! Yes, indeed, Friends, our pelvic bones have muscles within the…

Suddenly, the World of Open Relationships is Much More… Open!

In the last few years, conversations around non-monogamy have become much more mainstream. From the Netflix series You, Me, Her to TikTok accounts like @OpenlyCommited – society is slowly becoming more open to the idea of being open. If you haven’t seen it, @Openlycommited is a TikTok account with upwards of 120K followers and nearly…

#bettersex #hallmark Blog intimacy Relationship Sex Therapy Sex Toys Sexual Health  Hottest Gift of the Year? It’s Not What You Think

Hottest Gift of the Year? It’s Not What You Think

Tis this season, and as the 300 Hallmark holiday films (seriously – they’ve made 300 of them!)  inevitably feature – it’s snowflakes and sugar cookies and lights all aglow. And it’s oh so romantic, lest we forget. What happens when daydreams turn from peppermint mocha everything to cuffing and cozying and curling up with your…

Blog Healthy Relationship intimacy Sexual Health  The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

Seeing an attractive woman with a below-average guy inevitably draws all sorts of conclusions (often unfair ones), such as: he’s probably rich, she might be insecure, he must be good in bed or especially well endowed below the waist… However, the truth might be much simpler than that – maybe he’s funny. Science increasingly shows…

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