Is masturbation cheating? It’s one of those little questions that shouldn’t matter, and it doesn’t, until it really does. Like, ‘do we have enough oxygen?’ or ‘what happens if you cross a cat with a T-Rex?’ Despite a growing amount of flexibility in our relationships, the majority of our relationships are largely monogamous , and…
You Are Your Own Best Sex Partner
May was, once again, Masturbation Month , a whole month of masturbatory glee invented in the 90s by an enviously forward-thinking sex toy store in New York. And yet, despite us having a month of open frivolity (and rampant sex toy marketing), the discussion of masturbation in public is still considered taboo. That’s frustrating for…
5 Vibrator Myths Busted
A myth is a widely held but false belief. A vibrator is a motorised device used for sexual stimulation. Put them together, and you have a formula for trouble. Quite a lot of people believe some very strange things about sex toys, and when lots of people believe strange things, it rarely ends well. So…
Making a Splash: The Many Ways to Enjoy Bathtub Bliss
There are many perks to masturbation. One, you can do it anywhere and at any time (within reason, of course), and also… you know your body better than anyone else. So why limit yourself to masturbating in bed when you could enjoy other fun and fantastic ways to engage in self-pleasure? Today, we’ll be looking…
Porn & The Coronavirus
By now, most of us have been impacted in one way or another by the coronavirus, and the disease it causes, COVID-19. Either we’re working from home, we’re in isolation or quarantine, we know someone who’s had it, or we’ve had it, or a million other ways that this thing is reshaping society. With all…
The Mysterious Roots Of Masturbation
So important are words to our understanding of the world that, according to the Big Three religions, in the beginning was the word. They can tell us so much about the storied histories of our everyday speech, and studying them can offer insight into the deepest roots of a words meaning. Sometimes it’s most interesting…
What is Masturbation Month and How Are You Celebrating It?
From its inception in 1995, Masturbation Month has been adopted and practiced all over the world, ending on a particularly fitting crescendo on May 28th—Mastrubation Day. While it has become a light-hearted celebration of all things self-pleasing, the holiday was actually created on a more serious note after American Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders was fired…
Solitary Sex: How Self Pleasure Will Get You Through Sheltering Alone.
We have entered week whatever and a year (yes, the official count) of lockdown, and it may be starting to get to you. If you are sheltering alone this time may feel surprisingly stressful. And if you are extra irritable or feeling lonelier than expected, you are not crazy! There are basic, biological reasons behind…
Mix, Match & Moan! Combining Male Sex Toys
Okay so guys who are in the know will tell you that sex toys aren’t just for ladies. Sure, when you think of a pleasure product, what most comes to mind might be plastic penises and fake phalluses but that’s not even close to half of what’s out there. While the topic of sex toys…
Ladies, Let’s Make Self-Isolation Sexy: 12 New Ways to Get Off Alone
We all have special and unique ways of getting ourselves off, am I right? Maybe the way in which you first made yourself climax was so amazing that you just decided to stick with that routine. Or maybe you’ve been on a sexual adventure to find new and innovative ways to experience ‘the big O’. …
Masturbation: A Brief History Of Me-Time
According to Gorge Carlin, “If god had intended us not to masturbate, he would have made our arms shorter.” A recent representative survey of 6000 14-94 year old US citizens found that virtually all of them had masturbated at some point. That should be no real surprise: it seems to be a fact we know…
Does Masturbation ACTUALLY Improve Immunity?
For the past month, and for what is sure to be a few more, the world has been occupied with COVID-19 (coronavirus). From stocking absurd amounts of toilet paper to thinking up the best 20 second songs to wash your hands to, it has been an interesting mix of panic and amusement as we come…