Tag Archive for sex education

#bettersex #hallmark Blog intimacy Relationship Sex Therapy Sex Toys Sexual Health  Hottest Gift of the Year? It’s Not What You Think

Hottest Gift of the Year? It’s Not What You Think

Tis this season, and as the 300 Hallmark holiday films (seriously – they’ve made 300 of them!)  inevitably feature – it’s snowflakes and sugar cookies and lights all aglow. And it’s oh so romantic, lest we forget. What happens when daydreams turn from peppermint mocha everything to cuffing and cozying and curling up with your…

Blog Erectile Dysfunction Exercise exercise physiology Men's Health menshealth new year's resolution  2023 GOALS

2023 GOALS

It’s that time of year again, where everyone sets out with great intentions to do better in their lives. Whether it’s quitting smoking, losing some weight, or being more organized, we all do our best initially but sometimes fall short after a month or two. One of the biggest reasons a lot of us set…

Blog Low Libido low T Men's Health Men's Sexual Health Testosterone TRT  Can Men Experience Low Libido?

Can Men Experience Low Libido?

When you hear the term “low libido”, who do you think of? In all likelihood, you think ofwomen. And you might also think that only women experience it. We tend to believe thatmen’s higher testosterone levels are protective in that way and that therefore, men are wiredto want to have sex 24/7. While there are…

Blog Orgasm  The Neuroscience Behind Female Orgasms

The Neuroscience Behind Female Orgasms

The tingling build-up of sensations, the rush of blood to your most sensitive areas, an overflow of hormones pulsing through your system, the greatest headrush known to humans. No, we’re not talking about eating ice cream, we’re talking about orgasms (although they sometimes elicit similar responses). You (hopefully) have a good understanding of what happens…

Blog Healthy Relationship intimacy Sexual Health  The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

Seeing an attractive woman with a below-average guy inevitably draws all sorts of conclusions (often unfair ones), such as: he’s probably rich, she might be insecure, he must be good in bed or especially well endowed below the waist… However, the truth might be much simpler than that – maybe he’s funny. Science increasingly shows…

Better Sex Blog Sexual Wellness Wellness  Practicing Gratitude Can, In Fact, Improve Your Sex Life!

Practicing Gratitude Can, In Fact, Improve Your Sex Life!

Have you ever considered how gratitude impacts your sexual satisfaction and relationship? Gratitude is a common mindfulness practice that focuses on finding good things in life and feeling grateful for them.  What recent research has found is that feeling grateful about things in life not only improves overall happiness levels but can also greatly affect…

Blog Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship  7 Things To Look for During Casual Dating and Sex To Find a Life Partner

7 Things To Look for During Casual Dating and Sex To Find a Life Partner

When I moved to Copenhagen last year, my opinion of casual dating changed drastically. You see, here, casual dating (and sex) is the name of the game. And sometimes, people might ask your name only after you already had sex.  Back in December, I was invited to a traditional Christmas lunch (called Julefrokost) and one…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Love  How To Make the Honeymoon Phase of Your New Relationship Last Longer

How To Make the Honeymoon Phase of Your New Relationship Last Longer

If you ever wondered when does the honeymoon phase end in a relationship, the answer might surprise you. Researchers at New York University found that the honeymoon phase can last up to 30 months! That’s almost 2.5 years into a relationship, which is a long time to be walking around with butterflies in your stomach. …

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship  The Benefits of Dating Someone Without Social Media

The Benefits of Dating Someone Without Social Media

It’s admittedly (almost) impossible to live without at least one source of social media today, especially for folks looking to network, job search, or maintain an online portfolio of their work. Social media keeps us all connected to our career worlds and opens doors to new opportunities. But there are no rules for how to…

Better Sex Blog Sex Tips & Advice  2023 Sex Trends: What Do People Care About This Year?

2023 Sex Trends: What Do People Care About This Year?

The trends in sexual wellness demonstrate a shift in attitude to being more flexible and open-minded regarding our sex lives. We see this reflected in the normalising of sexual acts, desires and attitudes previously unspoken about or hidden, according to LELO. This approach to sexual wellness being included and recognised as a part of our…

Fanning the Flames: 5 Couples’ Exercises to Increase Intimacy & Rekindle Romance

Does it seem like both you and your partner are living such busy, hectic lives, that you can’t remember the last time you talked about something other than picking up milk on your way home, or if they could please remember that the kids have to stay late at school for soccer practice? It happens.…

Blog fear of intimacy fear of intimacy Intimacy and Sex Relationships sex in marriage  Sex in Marriage and Fear of Intimacy

Sex in Marriage and Fear of Intimacy

Richard Nicastro, PhD looks at how a fear of intimacy can get in the way of the quality of the sexual relationship in your marriage.  He poses questions for reflection for you and your partner to improve the connection. Emotional intimacy involves a connection that occurs between two people who have let their guard down…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Single  Do You Believe in Soulmates? Well, Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Do You Believe in Soulmates? Well, Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Do you believe in soulmates? You’re not alone if you answered “yes” to that question. According to the Marist poll, even 73% of Americans believe in soulmates. That’s a lot of people who believe in true love, yet the divorce rates are fairly high in developed countries around the world.  Doesn’t make much sense now,…

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