Healthy Relationship

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Long-Distance Sex Toys Sex Toys for Couples sex toys for men Sex Toys for Women  How To Choose Toys for Long-Distance Relationships

How To Choose Toys for Long-Distance Relationships

We live in a world where travel is increasingly part of our reality. Whether it’s for study or for work experience, being away from home, often very far away, is no longer an exception. But luckily, modern technologies that allow us to talk and see each other at practically zero cost have shortened distances and…

Blog Committed Relationship Couples Dating Healthy Relationship Sex Toys Sex Toys for Couples sex toys for men Sex Toys for Women Vibrator for Couples  The Best Sex Toys for Romantic Special Occasions

The Best Sex Toys for Romantic Special Occasions

If you find yourself in a long-term relationship, you’ve probably experienced it: the routine of being together can be as threatening as it is great. The habits which comfort us also undermine our sense of adventure. This is especially true when it comes to intimacy and sometimes you want to discover something new. Couple sex…

Blog Group Sex Healthy Relationship Orgy Sex Tips & Advice Sexuality  The Difference Between Polyamory and Non-Monogamy

The Difference Between Polyamory and Non-Monogamy

Polyamory and ethical non-monogamy are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is an umbrella term for any type of relationship structure that leaves room for being romantically or sexually intimate with more than one person at a time.  That can mean a lot of different things: Solo poly…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Love & Relationships Single  Here’s What People Find Attractive in Potential Partners

Here’s What People Find Attractive in Potential Partners

There are over 37 million single households in the United States, the highest number in history, and of those, Pew Research Center found that single Americans are split 50/50 between “looking” and “not looking” for a committed relationship. Some choose not to seek out romantic relationships whatsoever, while others are willing to stay single until they…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  The Link Between Emotional Safety and Sexual Satisfaction

The Link Between Emotional Safety and Sexual Satisfaction

Be honest, how emotionally safe do you feel in your relationship? Many people tend to focus on whether their partner fits their standards if they are compatible, share the same values, and other things along those lines.  While shared values and being compatible do matter in the relationship, the latest research in neurobiology shows that…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Sex Tips After the Honeymoon Relationship Phase Ends

Sex Tips After the Honeymoon Relationship Phase Ends

You’re in the first few months (or weeks) of dating someone. When you’re together, you can’t keep your hands off each other. When you’re not, you can’t stop thinking about them, fantasizing about them, talking about them.  That’s what we call the honeymoon phase or NRE (new relationship energy) – the sexual and romantic excitement…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Are You Ready to Move in with Your Partner?

Are You Ready to Move in with Your Partner?

Just because moving in together doesn’t mean marriage, it’s still a pretty big decision to make.  And many professionals admit that making that decision should be intentional and deliberate rather than simply deciding one day to take the plunge. But we get it: maybe you’ve been dating for a while and you already spend most…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  It May Be Called Relationship Anarchy, But it’s the Opposite of Chaos

It May Be Called Relationship Anarchy, But it’s the Opposite of Chaos

When we hear the word ‘anarchy’, we often think of disorder, chaos, and sometimes—even violence. But this is in no way similar to what relationship anarchy is.  Why is the word ‘anarchy’ used, then? Well, relationship anarchy does have an element of anarchy to it. And that is the fact that it rejects the element…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  What To Pack for a Honeymoon Full of Sex

What To Pack for a Honeymoon Full of Sex

Honeymoons are for relaxing in the sun, celebrating your new, official partnership, and of course – having passionate honeymoon sex. When Brides magazine conducted a survey and asked 138 newlyweds how often they have sex while on the honeymoon, 32% (the majority) said every day, while 28% said multiple times a day.  If you’re one…

Blog Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Single  Research Shows We’re Most Likely to Meet Partners Through Friends

Research Shows We’re Most Likely to Meet Partners Through Friends

How we meet our sexual and romantic partners has changed drastically throughout generations. Recent studies show that more and more people turn to online dating to meet potential partners.  These findings make sense when you take the rise of social media into account, with 76% of people spending more hours scrolling on their phones. We…

Blog Committed Relationship Couples Healthy Relationship  Sleep Divorce: Why You Might Want To Sleep in Separate Bedrooms From Your Partner

Sleep Divorce: Why You Might Want To Sleep in Separate Bedrooms From Your Partner

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “sleep divorce”? Probably nothing good, right?  The old-school way of living with your partner includes sleeping in the same room, same bed, and under the same duvet cover. Often, people still believe that not sharing a bed with your partner is…

Blog Healthy Relationship intimacy Sexual Health  The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

The Role of Laughter in Sex and Attraction

Seeing an attractive woman with a below-average guy inevitably draws all sorts of conclusions (often unfair ones), such as: he’s probably rich, she might be insecure, he must be good in bed or especially well endowed below the waist… However, the truth might be much simpler than that – maybe he’s funny. Science increasingly shows…

Blog Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship  7 Things To Look for During Casual Dating and Sex To Find a Life Partner

7 Things To Look for During Casual Dating and Sex To Find a Life Partner

When I moved to Copenhagen last year, my opinion of casual dating changed drastically. You see, here, casual dating (and sex) is the name of the game. And sometimes, people might ask your name only after you already had sex.  Back in December, I was invited to a traditional Christmas lunch (called Julefrokost) and one…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Love  How To Make the Honeymoon Phase of Your New Relationship Last Longer

How To Make the Honeymoon Phase of Your New Relationship Last Longer

If you ever wondered when does the honeymoon phase end in a relationship, the answer might surprise you. Researchers at New York University found that the honeymoon phase can last up to 30 months! That’s almost 2.5 years into a relationship, which is a long time to be walking around with butterflies in your stomach. …

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship  The Benefits of Dating Someone Without Social Media

The Benefits of Dating Someone Without Social Media

It’s admittedly (almost) impossible to live without at least one source of social media today, especially for folks looking to network, job search, or maintain an online portfolio of their work. Social media keeps us all connected to our career worlds and opens doors to new opportunities. But there are no rules for how to…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Single  Do You Believe in Soulmates? Well, Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Do You Believe in Soulmates? Well, Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Do you believe in soulmates? You’re not alone if you answered “yes” to that question. According to the Marist poll, even 73% of Americans believe in soulmates. That’s a lot of people who believe in true love, yet the divorce rates are fairly high in developed countries around the world.  Doesn’t make much sense now,…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship  FYI: Butterflies Aren’t the Same as Being in Love

FYI: Butterflies Aren’t the Same as Being in Love

Aren’t butterflies fantastical? In the literal sense of the word, sure, but figuratively… like when you see someone that makes you all giddy. That experience of joy, excitement, but also nervousness… wow! It truly can make you feel alive!  So, imagine this scenario: you see someone you’re attracted to, or you look at your partner.…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Time to Call It Quits? When to End a Relationship

Time to Call It Quits? When to End a Relationship

Relationships are hard. There’s just no denying it. And anyone who is or has been in a long term relationship will surely tell you the same.  Even so, while there are days that are dismal, annoying, and somewhat unbearable, relationships should have a fundamental feeling of contentment and happiness.  So when is it that enough…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Anxiety & Depression Associated with On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

Anxiety & Depression Associated with On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

Did you know that there’s an actual term for on-again, off-again relationships? It’s called ‘relationship cycling’, and encompasses people who have broken up and gotten back together with their romantic partner one or more times.  This kind of relationship behaviour however, does run the risk of bringing on psychological distress for both partners, such as…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  When is Your Pleasure NOT a Priority? Situations When You Need to Put Your Partner First

When is Your Pleasure NOT a Priority? Situations When You Need to Put Your Partner First

Hold up that sex-positive train for just a minute, folks! While you absolutely deserve all the orgasms in the world, there are some exceptions to the otherwise awesome thread of sexual self-realization happening right now. Prioritizing your own pleasure, whether that means shamelessly enjoying your favorite vibrator while alone or during sex, or asking for…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship  Relationship Ideals That Millennials (And Everyone Else) Need to Ditch Now

Relationship Ideals That Millennials (And Everyone Else) Need to Ditch Now

Did Millennials kill the so-called ‘institute of marriage?’ Millennials have the lowest rate of marriage compared to our parents and grandparent’s generations. We’re doing things differently than the folks who came before us, like moving in with our partners and focusing on shared happiness over jumping into a wedding dress and tuxedo and immediately popping…

Aftercare Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sex Tips & Advice  30 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Be Doing After Sex

30 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Be Doing After Sex

Sure, sex is amazing, incredible, wonderful, and sometimes firework-inducing. But there are things that you should and shouldn’t be doing afterwards.  Don’t let this put you off however, it’s merely a way in which to always keep safe, and to feel your best as you bathe in your post-orgasmic bliss.  Now’s the time to live…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship  Here are 10 Sex-Related Questions to Ask Your Partner

Here are 10 Sex-Related Questions to Ask Your Partner

When you first start dating someone, there are many questions to ask your partner. What their favorite food is, how they grew up, where they see themselves in five years… You want to know it all.  One thing most new couples avoid is having honest conversations about sex and asking questions about each other’s sexuality…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship sex tips Sex Tips & Advice  Boudoir Photography Tips: 5 Tips To Help You Take Better Nude Pictures

Boudoir Photography Tips: 5 Tips To Help You Take Better Nude Pictures

If you scroll long enough on TikTok, you’ll eventually stumble upon a friendly photographer offering free boudoir photography tips. Sending nudes has become controversial and understandably so.  Nobody wants to receive an unsolicited dick pic (which is illegal in some countries!) or be forced into sending their nude pictures in a desperate try to keep a…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Long-Distance Love, Lust and Making it Last

Long-Distance Love, Lust and Making it Last

These days, opportunity and circumstance are taking us to farther flung-out places for education, employment, or what have you. Whatever the reason, there might come a time that you find yourself away from your partner for a stretch of time much longer than you’re comfortable with. Rather than letting the distance determine whether or not…

Online Gaming Relationships: Can You Find Love While Gaming?

The old times when you would meet the love of your life in the library or your local shop while doing your weekly grocery shopping are gone. Instead, the younger generation is taking dating online, with recent studies revealing that finding your significant other on the internet completely replaced all the other ways of meeting…

5 Reasons You’re Not Feeling Up for Sex (and Why There’s Nothing Wrong with You)

The de-stigmatizing and normalizing of all types of partner sex – from casual encounters to keeping the spark in monogamy – has led sex educators and sexuality writers into another conundrum. While we love to see all kinds of folks getting their unapologetic freak on, we’re now left to deal with an unintended consequence: the…

What is Gaslighting? Are You a Victim of it?

Today, there are more ‘names’ for the kinds of things people have been experiencing for decades and decades. And this is actually a good thing.  Way back when, people would experience all kinds of abuse… not as overtly as physical, but mental, psychological, and emotional. And these kinds of abuse are just as harmful (sometimes…

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