Healthy Relationship

How Do You Define Infidelity in the Digital Age?

Infidelity is infidelity, right? Well, technically! But in this day and age, who’s to say what cheating really is? Before the invention of the Internet—heck, even before the telephone—cheating meant catching a partner nestled up close to someone else. Just like the movies, two people checking into a motel or hotel, having a cheeky kiss…

Does Social Media Help Your Relationship or Ruin It?

The connection between social media and relationships has been the topic of conversations for years now. Multiple studies show that social media impacts our mental health and how we view ourselves, and our self-esteem. So it’s only natural to assume that it should also impact our romantic relationships, right?  According to Pew Research Center, 45%…

How You *Should* Navigate Dating Apps if You’re Looking for Something Serious

Everyone craves human connection. We’re hardwired for it. Our relationships, no matter how serious they are, give us the opportunity to reflect, to learn about ourselves and life, to experience pleasure, and to enjoy life!  Dating apps are one of the most revolutionary tools out there when it comes to love, sex, and romance. They…

Why Do Some Men Love Hearing About Their Partner’s Past Sexual Experiences?

There’s a lot to be said about double standards when it comes to sex and sexuality. You know, the whole ‘congratulating a man yet shaming a woman after sex’ thing?  And with that, we know that there are many individuals who deem their or another’s virginity as a ‘prized possession’, with some even auctioning it…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sex Tips & Advice  7 Ways To Spice Things Up in Your Relationship This Spring

7 Ways To Spice Things Up in Your Relationship This Spring

With spring just around the corner, you might be looking for new ways to spice things up in your relationship. It’s natural that with nature waking up from the winter slumber and days getting longer, you want to find new and exciting ways to connect with your partner.  So, if you’ve been wondering how to…

Blog Dating Healthy Relationship Single Social Media  What is Catfishing? And How to Spot an Online Catfish

What is Catfishing? And How to Spot an Online Catfish

In literal terms, a cat fish is a diverse ray-finned fish that has distinguishable barbels that look like a cat’s whiskers. But in the figurative world, a catfish is something completely different… and chances are, you’ve heard of this term before.  Regardless of your views on the matter, being a catfish is devastatingly immoral, cruel,…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Social Media  SexTok: Does the Rise of the Sex Community on TikTok Do More Harm or Good in Our Lives?

SexTok: Does the Rise of the Sex Community on TikTok Do More Harm or Good in Our Lives?

Tiktok is one of the largest social media platforms with over 1 billion monthly users. The app’s popularity can be widely attributed to its unique algorithm that quickly picks up on what the users like and want to see on their For You pages.  Due to TikTok’s algorithm being so accurate, it’s very easy for…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Single  Why Do We Hate on Waiting Till Marriage? Maybe Virgins Have it All Figured Out

Why Do We Hate on Waiting Till Marriage? Maybe Virgins Have it All Figured Out

What’s your first reaction when someone says they “waited for marriage” or when someone mentions the concept of virginity? Do you cringe? Are you ambivalent? Does it resonate with you? Does it bring up some family and cultural baggage? Is it outside of your normal life but you’re curious? All or none of the above?…

Blog Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Sexual Health Single  Did You Know? A Sexy Voice is a Powerful Aphrodisiac!

Did You Know? A Sexy Voice is a Powerful Aphrodisiac!

With the popularity of online dating, the chances of you speaking to someone on the phone or hearing a voice note from them before actually meeting, is high.  And how about the growingly popular TV show, Love is Blind, in which contestants base their levels of attraction towards another using only their voice?  It’s true!…

Does Vegetarianism and Veganism Affect Your Sex Life & Who You Date?

There’s a well-known expression that goes, “birds of a feather, flock together”. So we were curious to find out whether this expression was applicable when it comes to sex and dating.  Well, more so about whether vegetarians and vegans were more likely to date other vegetarians and vegans (spoiler alert? They are!), and if being…

The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Mindblowing Lingam Massage

If you’re looking for a way to surprise your partner, lingam massage might be a great option. It’s a practice that’s created with all the penis owners in mind. It guarantees a good time and a great way to connect with your partner.  What Is Lingam Massage? Lingam massage is one of the tantric sex…

Monogamous Relationships & Their Benefits

While polygamy is rife in many societies, monogamy still seems like the most mainstream way in which to have a relationship.  We’re often bombarded with images, influences, and expectations to get married, have that white picket fence, three children, and a dog, then live happily ever after.  But because we’re more open-minded today in exploring…

Leave Romance at the Door: Lithromantic, Explained

You know how people often associate romance with a warm, gooey feeling? Like butterflies in one’s stomach that flutter and twirl so uncontrollably that it feels as though they’re going to burst from excitement, love, or lust? Turns out, not everyone feels that way about romance! Indeed, there are individuals who consider their romantic orientation…

Friends First? Exploring Demiromantic Relationships

You may or may not have heard of the term ‘demisexual’. For reference, demisexual is when a person only experiences sexual attraction to another when they have a close emotional bond with them. This bond need not be romantic in nature however—it could even be a platonic friendship. Regardless, demisexuality isn’t actually about being sexually…

Ask Dr. Zhana: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Relationships (DADT)

For our September Q&A with Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, we’re talking about DADT: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell types of relationships.  What’s DADT? Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is a type of relationship where the partners agree that they’re going to have other partners, but that they’re not going to talk about it. They don’t want to know…

LELO Podcast: Love Revolution During the Pandemic

The second episode of our pleasure podcasts takes around the globe to discuss the effects of the ongoing pandemic of human relationships. How has the prolonged time spent together influenced couples? How has the dating scene changed? Or how to deal with the psychological impacts of lockdown? These and many more questions form the basis…

Sex After Kids: How To Rekindle the Flame in the Bedroom After Kids

Many couples suffer from having less sex after having kids. One of the latest Netflix shows, Sex/life, explores the life of a woman who had lost part of herself after getting married and having children and whose husband doesn’t seem to see her as a sexual being anymore.  Our heroine, Billie, used to lead a…

Compersion: The #1 Way to Succeed in Polyamory

Polyamory has as many perks as a garden’s got roses, and smells just as sweet. All that community, camaraderie, and abundant communication, plus a whole spate of sweet humans in your life who love you – and not to mention that ever-evolving sex life. Is there anything better? Looking at it from the outside, opening…

Aftercare for Vanilla Sex: Why It’s Important and How To Do It Right

Anyone who had dabbled in some BDSM play knows the term “aftercare” well. It’s always repeated over and over again whenever you’re looking for tips on how to start with BDSM. Somehow, people often think that aftercare after vanilla sex, when no whips and chains were involved, is not needed. Like, if you’re having sex…

The Science Behind Infidelity and Why People Cheat

Almost half of couples have dealt with or experienced infidelity in marriage. In the US, infidelity is the second leading cause of many divorces.  What’s also interesting is that the majority of people, even those who cheat on their significant others, tend to believe that infidelity is wrong. Yet people don’t seem to be having…

Five Different Love Languages, Five Different Ways To Please Your Partner

When Dr. Gary Chapman wrote his book The Five Love Languages over 30 years ago, he probably didn’t think it will become an essential part of every couple’s life.  Truly, learning your and your partner’s love languages is the best way to find common ground and communicate your needs within the relationship.  Gary Chapman described…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship LELO NEWS  How To Love Unconditionally: A Global Love Day Lesson

How To Love Unconditionally: A Global Love Day Lesson

Unconditional love is hard to explain. Applying it to ourselves is sometimes even more difficult. That’s why this Global Love Day is inspired by the phrase “Love begins with me.” Our self-love is often buried beneath layers of trauma, guilt and pain, which makes it easy to overlook the fact that love is always present.…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Fact-checked by Doctor Healthy Relationship READER Q&As sex tips  Using Sex Toys During Partnered Sex—Q&A with Sex Therapist Casey Tanner

Using Sex Toys During Partnered Sex—Q&A with Sex Therapist Casey Tanner

Introducing anything new into the bedroom (or wherever you’re getting it on) can be nerve-racking as it is, especially when it comes to the stigmas so closely tied to sex toys. We’re here to clear the air and offer some tips for communicating new desires with a partner who may not recognize the potential to…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sexual Health  Can You be Addicted to Love?

Can You be Addicted to Love?

Romantic love has often been considered a type of addiction or even sickness. There is no doubt that love involves constant thinking about, and activities with, one’s beloved. But is such persistent preoccupation with one person always detrimental? Should it be regarded as a type of addiction, or might it actually be beneficial to the…

Blog Healthy Relationship Sexual Health  What’s Your Number? Most People Lie About How Many People They’ve Had Sex With

What’s Your Number? Most People Lie About How Many People They’ve Had Sex With

A third of Americans have lied to a significant other about their number of sexual partners, according to new research. A study of 2,000 Americans who’ve had sex revealed that of those who’ve fibbed their number (32%), 42% were men and 23% were women.  Now that we know that a whopping third of us are…

BDSM Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Is a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) Right for You?

Is a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) Right for You?

Every single relationship is unique – that’s what makes love so fantastic. Power dynamics, our little shared quirks, the way we approach our love – no two couples are identical when we slice apart how they function. Some love a balance in power, others like when the scales tip in one direction or the other…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

While no two couples are the same, there are a few tips and tricks that can definitely make a difference when it comes to having a stronger relationship.  And according to Gary Chapman, a doctor of philosophy, counselor, and author, the key to having a lasting relationship is to know, and make use of, the…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  Using Mindfulness to Strengthen Your Relationship

Using Mindfulness to Strengthen Your Relationship

Mindfulness is the state of being conscious or aware of something. It’s the ability to actively live in the present moment, being able to accept and acknowledge one’s own feelings, thoughts, and body in such a way that it induces relaxation and creates awareness without being overwhelmed.  And while this therapeutic technique is self-focused, it…

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