Committed Relationship

BDSM Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  Is a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) Right for You?

Is a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) Right for You?

Every single relationship is unique – that’s what makes love so fantastic. Power dynamics, our little shared quirks, the way we approach our love – no two couples are identical when we slice apart how they function. Some love a balance in power, others like when the scales tip in one direction or the other…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

While no two couples are the same, there are a few tips and tricks that can definitely make a difference when it comes to having a stronger relationship.  And according to Gary Chapman, a doctor of philosophy, counselor, and author, the key to having a lasting relationship is to know, and make use of, the…

Better Sex Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  Using Mindfulness to Strengthen Your Relationship

Using Mindfulness to Strengthen Your Relationship

Mindfulness is the state of being conscious or aware of something. It’s the ability to actively live in the present moment, being able to accept and acknowledge one’s own feelings, thoughts, and body in such a way that it induces relaxation and creates awareness without being overwhelmed.  And while this therapeutic technique is self-focused, it…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Sex Tips & Advice  8 Sex-Themed Anniversary Ideas for Raunchy Couples

8 Sex-Themed Anniversary Ideas for Raunchy Couples

We’re not saying that these eight sex-themed ideas aren’t ideal for any day! But, if you and your partner or your friends with benefits are coming up on an anniversary of some sorts, these raunchy activities are not only unique and fun, but also super sexy.  From staycations and seemingly innocent games turned dirty, to…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Sexual Health  Does my Low Sex Drive Mean Something’s Wrong With My Relationship?

Does my Low Sex Drive Mean Something’s Wrong With My Relationship?

Many of us worry about the way our sexual desire fades as a relationship progresses. We’re usually aware of the honeymoon effect, and we expect that the beginning of a new relationship will be sexier and more passionate than the later stages, but regardless, we still wonder if the dip in sex drive is normal.…

Blog Committed Relationship LELO NEWS Sex Sex Facts  Study Reveals that Farmers Have the Most Sex

Study Reveals that Farmers Have the Most Sex

The LELO UK office has conducted new research to find out with professions across the UK are having the most sex. The results? Farmers top the list of professions having the most sex in comparison to doctors, architects and hairdressers. Professions that have the most sex ranked in order: Farmers Architect Hairdresser Advertising Lawyer &…

Advice Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  How to Soothe a Jealous Partner (And Is It Your Job?)

How to Soothe a Jealous Partner (And Is It Your Job?)

Jealousy is the common cold of relationships. Universally dreaded, it’s able to strike anyone at any time—usually unexpectedly, under the least convenient circumstances. And, much like the common cold, while anecdotal remedies abound, no single cure seems to work exactly as expected, every time.  Worst of all, no type of person or partnership is immune…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship LGBTQ  The Most Common Issues Faced by Gay Couples – Guest Post by Michael Moran

The Most Common Issues Faced by Gay Couples – Guest Post by Michael Moran

As an openly gay therapist who specializes at the intersection of couples and sex therapy,  a large number of the clients I see are also gay. And one of the dynamics I often bump up against with these clients in particular is the gap between sexual and relational compatibility . Meaning that while a person…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Masturbation  The Ethics of Masturbating In A Relationship

The Ethics of Masturbating In A Relationship

Is masturbation cheating? It’s one of those little questions that shouldn’t matter, and it doesn’t, until it really does. Like, ‘do we have enough oxygen?’ or ‘what happens if you cross a cat with a T-Rex?’ Despite a growing amount of flexibility in our relationships, the majority of our relationships are largely monogamous , and…

Advice Blog Committed Relationship Dating Lesbian LGBTQ Sensual Wellbeing Single  What Coming Out Should Look Like

What Coming Out Should Look Like

There are a lot of questions that arise before thinking about coming out (a metaphor used by the LGBTQ+ community referring to revealing your sexual identity) to your friends, family, workplace, etc. How do I tell them? When? What will they say? Is it even worth it?  It’s important to weigh the pros and cons…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Initiating Sex sex tips Sex Tips & Advice  With Consent, of Course, Here’s How to Initiate Sex

With Consent, of Course, Here’s How to Initiate Sex

Let’s get straight to it… you should be enjoying (more) sex! Whether it’s for all of the added mental and physical health benefits , pleasure, or even to strengthen your relationship.  But for couples who don’t instinctively ‘hop to it’ like rabbits every hour on the hour, (do these people even exist?!) intiating sex can…

#StaySafe Blog Committed Relationship Dating Interview READER Q&As Sexual Health Single  Sex and Love During Covid 19—A Q&A with Dr. Zhana

Sex and Love During Covid 19—A Q&A with Dr. Zhana

Hi everyone, this is Dr. Zhana, professor of human sexuality in New York University and it’s time to answer some questions about sex and love in this very strange time of the Coronavirus pandemic and the life-saving requirements to physically distance from people. It’s a challenging time for pretty much everyone. It’s challenging for single…

#StaySafe Blog Committed Relationship Dating Fact-checked by Doctor Single  Get Ready for the Quarantine Agers

Get Ready for the Quarantine Agers

This article was scientifically fact-checked by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. We’re in an age of categories. Baby boomers. Millennials. Generation Y. Gen Z. Can we expect a surge of babies in nine months’ time, as a result of the sex* we imagine is happening right now, with all of us self-isolating in the…

Blog Committed Relationship Healthy Relationship  What is an Apartnership and Can it Save Your Marriage?

What is an Apartnership and Can it Save Your Marriage?

When we think of marriage, we generally think of two people dedicating themselves to the commitment to each other for life. But is that really the way it’s supposed to be? Marriages and relationships haven’t always looked like this. In the past, and to this day in some cultures, marriage looks entirely different, sometimes with…

#StayTheFuckHome Blog Committed Relationship Dating Fact-checked by Doctor Single  How Love Can Help Us Overcome Anxious Times

How Love Can Help Us Overcome Anxious Times

This article was scientifically fact-checked by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. As the invisible virus keeps spreading globally, infecting people and transforming our reality into a new and unknown one, there is another virus threatening us – the virus of anxiety. To fight it, we must mobilize one of our basic survival mechanisms, and…

#StayTheFuckHome Blog Committed Relationship Dating Fact-checked by Doctor  The Effect of Coronavirus on Modern Relationships

The Effect of Coronavirus on Modern Relationships

This article was scientifically fact-checked by Human Sexuality expert Dr. Laurie Mintz. We’ve got no choice: This decade will now be defined by the only thing anyone has spoken about for weeks: the new coronavirus. When this period is studied in the future’s history books, it won’t be the advent of commercial space travel, or…

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