Sexual Education

What Women Need From their Partners During Perimenopause

So, everything’s moving along with the woman in your life. You’ve been together for a long time, and you know each other better than anyone else. You get how she deals with emotional issues, stress, illness, injury. And you know how to provide comfort to her during hard times. And then, out of the blue…something…

3 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Sex Life

You know what’s universal? As in, common to literally everyone? Well, when it comes to our sexuality, the answer is: absolutely nothing. That said, there are 3 things all of us can do – at any time – that will improve our sex lives. #1: Address Your Stress If you thought I was going to…

Spice It Up: It’s All About the Novelty

It’s inevitable – long-term partners are gonna get bored. Maybe it’s the conversation, your daily routine or the same old weekend plans. At some point, sex might also morph into a yawn-apalooza. Being with a long-term partner can mean a lifetime of love, connectedness, commitment and care. And contrary to popular belief, it can also…

Should You Stalk Your Ex and Why is it So Addictive? 

(Trigger Warning: while the word “stalk” appears in the blog below, please note that it’s being used in the non-menacing vernacular (as a synonym for “search”). The origin of the word means something entirely different – “stalking” in its original form is of serious nature and potentially dangerous. If you believe you are the victim…

How Trauma Can Affect Your Relationship 

If you’ve experienced trauma – whether as a child or an adult – and if you haven’t received the support you need in order to process it thoroughly, relationships can be tricky.   Before we jump into the interpersonal, let’s get a sense of what trauma is. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA)…

Male Anatomy Explained

It’s a common myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University  suggests the real number is likely closer to 19 times a day. Regardless of the figure, you can guarantee most of those thoughts concern getting busy between the sheets, and not what happens in the body. A…

Why Children Need Sex Ed 

Parenting would be a lot easier if it were like baking – exact ingredients, precise directions, specific chocolate-to-dough ratio, and voila! The perfect chocolate chip cookie! (Um, I mean, kid).  While there’s literally no one specific recipe for raising children, a lot of parents incorporate informed decision-making in their approach. Choosing if, how, and when…

Let’s Get To Know Clomid

The use of Clomid to increase testosterone levels has been in practice for many years.  Clomid is the preferred treatment to increase testosterone levels in men who want to maintain fertility options because testosterone replacement products (Testim, Androgel, etc) can decrease sperm production.  Over time, the use of testosterone can shut down sperm production by…

Pride…All Year Long.

If you’re a member or an ally of the queer community, you know that Pride isn’t just one month of celebration. Being proud of who you are as an individual and as a sexual being (or not – that’s the “A” for asexual in LBGTQIA+) is something we strive to experience every day. But since…

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