premature ejaculation

Porn and Your Sex Life: Helpful or Harmful?

Since time immemorial, the association between porn and men has been undeniable. Not all porn, and not all men, of course. But even individuals who frown upon it aren’t surprised by the connection. And since it’s more accessible and plentiful than ever before, it’s worth asking about both potential benefits and negative consequences. The right…

How Does Toxic Masculinity Harm Men?

What is toxic masculinity? Before we even define the term, we need to know more about the second word than the first, more incendiary one. Masculinity can have lots of different meanings across individuals, families, cultures and societies. Merriam Webster says that masculinity is “the quality or nature of the male sex : the quality, state, or…

Male Anatomy Explained

It’s a common myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. However, a study conducted at Ohio State University  suggests the real number is likely closer to 19 times a day. Regardless of the figure, you can guarantee most of those thoughts concern getting busy between the sheets, and not what happens in the body. A…

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