Sex is a natural, involuntary drive in most humans, so we usually don’t think we have to do anything about it. There’s a stimulus – a thought, a visual, or even a scent (the ones we can’t detect, like pheromones, and the ones we can, like perfume) – and then poof, here comes the horny.…
How to Arouse a Man with Low Testosterone
Low testosterone levels can cause a multitude of health problems; obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, brain fog, lethargy, and even depression can all be traced to low testosterone levels . One aspect of this condition that is always challenging to treat, is the accompanying low libido that plagues many men. Some men simply lose their appetite…
How is Andropause Diagnosed?
Andropause is similar to its female counterpart, menopause , and refers to declining levels of testosterone in aging men. Often referred to as Low T, this condition isn’t as widely understood as menopause, making it difficult for both patients and physicians to recognize. Fortunately, diagnostic tools for measuring testosterone levels are improving, making it easier…
Let’s Get To Know Clomid
The use of Clomid to increase testosterone levels has been in practice for many years. Clomid is the preferred treatment to increase testosterone levels in men who want to maintain fertility options because testosterone replacement products (Testim, Androgel, etc) can decrease sperm production. Over time, the use of testosterone can shut down sperm production by…
Breaking News on TRT
Ever since a small study from 2009 implied testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) increased the incidence of cardiovascular events in patients who received TRT, many men have suffered through their symptoms out of fear of this unfounded side-effect. However, a new study has revealed that those findings are unsubstantiated and in fact, our experience is that…

Can Men Experience Low Libido?
When you hear the term “low libido”, who do you think of? In all likelihood, you think ofwomen. And you might also think that only women experience it. We tend to believe thatmen’s higher testosterone levels are protective in that way and that therefore, men are wiredto want to have sex 24/7. While there are…