Last night, as I said goodnight to my almost-grown daughters, I noticed that each of their respective laptops rested directly on their respective laps. Hystero-Mamma kicked into high gear. “Girls – why aren’t you using pillows as a barrier between your computers and your ovaries? How many times do we have to review this? Don’t…
Social Media
The Power of Social Media and Our Sexual Health
Social Media… Some of us grew up with it, some of us had to learn how to use it, and some of us couldn’t live without it. Whatever your opinion is, you cannot deny the impact social media has had on our daily lives, especially in the world of sexual health at Maze Health. We…
Suddenly, the World of Open Relationships is Much More… Open!
In the last few years, conversations around non-monogamy have become much more mainstream. From the Netflix series You, Me, Her to TikTok accounts like @OpenlyCommited – society is slowly becoming more open to the idea of being open. If you haven’t seen it, @Openlycommited is a TikTok account with upwards of 120K followers and nearly…

The Role of Social Media for LGBTQI+ Young Adults and Teens
Regardless of who is using it, social media can have positive and negative effects. The Internet itself gives us the power to do good, to connect, and to stay informed, but it also gives us the ability to bully, harm, harass, or worse. In other words, the way in which we use social media, the…
Does Social Media Help Your Relationship or Ruin It?
The connection between social media and relationships has been the topic of conversations for years now. Multiple studies show that social media impacts our mental health and how we view ourselves, and our self-esteem. So it’s only natural to assume that it should also impact our romantic relationships, right? According to Pew Research Center, 45%…

What is Catfishing? And How to Spot an Online Catfish
In literal terms, a cat fish is a diverse ray-finned fish that has distinguishable barbels that look like a cat’s whiskers. But in the figurative world, a catfish is something completely different… and chances are, you’ve heard of this term before. Regardless of your views on the matter, being a catfish is devastatingly immoral, cruel,…

SexTok: Does the Rise of the Sex Community on TikTok Do More Harm or Good in Our Lives?
Tiktok is one of the largest social media platforms with over 1 billion monthly users. The app’s popularity can be widely attributed to its unique algorithm that quickly picks up on what the users like and want to see on their For You pages. Due to TikTok’s algorithm being so accurate, it’s very easy for…