
Blog Masturbation Menopause Senior Sex Toys for Women Sexual Health Vibrators  The Best Sex Toys for Menopausal Women

The Best Sex Toys for Menopausal Women

A lot of people talk about menopause and all the unpleasant side effects that come with it – hot flashes, mood swings, skin dryness, and sleep issues. But not enough people talk about how menopause might impact your sex life and, most importantly – what to do about it. Just because you reached a certain…

Blog Fact-checked by Doctor Senior sex tips Sexual Health  Disabled Sex: How to Have Great Sex with Limited Mobility

Disabled Sex: How to Have Great Sex with Limited Mobility

This article was written by Social Psychologist Dr. Justin Lehmiller. Sex and disability is a topic that is not often discussed. It is rarely—if ever—addressed in sex education courses, and few doctors are comfortable talking about sexual issues with disabled patients.  Part of the reason for this is because disabled persons are often stereotyped as…

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