
Blog Dating Healthy Relationship Single Social Media  What is Catfishing? And How to Spot an Online Catfish

What is Catfishing? And How to Spot an Online Catfish

In literal terms, a cat fish is a diverse ray-finned fish that has distinguishable barbels that look like a cat’s whiskers. But in the figurative world, a catfish is something completely different… and chances are, you’ve heard of this term before.  Regardless of your views on the matter, being a catfish is devastatingly immoral, cruel,…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Social Media  SexTok: Does the Rise of the Sex Community on TikTok Do More Harm or Good in Our Lives?

SexTok: Does the Rise of the Sex Community on TikTok Do More Harm or Good in Our Lives?

Tiktok is one of the largest social media platforms with over 1 billion monthly users. The app’s popularity can be widely attributed to its unique algorithm that quickly picks up on what the users like and want to see on their For You pages.  Due to TikTok’s algorithm being so accurate, it’s very easy for…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Single  Why Do We Hate on Waiting Till Marriage? Maybe Virgins Have it All Figured Out

Why Do We Hate on Waiting Till Marriage? Maybe Virgins Have it All Figured Out

What’s your first reaction when someone says they “waited for marriage” or when someone mentions the concept of virginity? Do you cringe? Are you ambivalent? Does it resonate with you? Does it bring up some family and cultural baggage? Is it outside of your normal life but you’re curious? All or none of the above?…

Blog Dating Dating Advice Healthy Relationship Sexual Health Single  Did You Know? A Sexy Voice is a Powerful Aphrodisiac!

Did You Know? A Sexy Voice is a Powerful Aphrodisiac!

With the popularity of online dating, the chances of you speaking to someone on the phone or hearing a voice note from them before actually meeting, is high.  And how about the growingly popular TV show, Love is Blind, in which contestants base their levels of attraction towards another using only their voice?  It’s true!…

What Do Men Really Think About During Sex?

It might surprise you that it’s not “Boobs. Boobs. BOOBS.” There are many things that are going through a man’s mind while he’s making love–and yes, there’s a good chance he’s fantasizing about someone or something else. And that’s okay, because you’re probably doing it too! What is he thinking during sex? While making love,…

Does Vegetarianism and Veganism Affect Your Sex Life & Who You Date?

There’s a well-known expression that goes, “birds of a feather, flock together”. So we were curious to find out whether this expression was applicable when it comes to sex and dating.  Well, more so about whether vegetarians and vegans were more likely to date other vegetarians and vegans (spoiler alert? They are!), and if being…

Monogamous Relationships & Their Benefits

While polygamy is rife in many societies, monogamy still seems like the most mainstream way in which to have a relationship.  We’re often bombarded with images, influences, and expectations to get married, have that white picket fence, three children, and a dog, then live happily ever after.  But because we’re more open-minded today in exploring…

Leave Romance at the Door: Lithromantic, Explained

You know how people often associate romance with a warm, gooey feeling? Like butterflies in one’s stomach that flutter and twirl so uncontrollably that it feels as though they’re going to burst from excitement, love, or lust? Turns out, not everyone feels that way about romance! Indeed, there are individuals who consider their romantic orientation…

Friends First? Exploring Demiromantic Relationships

You may or may not have heard of the term ‘demisexual’. For reference, demisexual is when a person only experiences sexual attraction to another when they have a close emotional bond with them. This bond need not be romantic in nature however—it could even be a platonic friendship. Regardless, demisexuality isn’t actually about being sexually…

How To Talk Dirty During Sex Even if You’re Shy

Sex columnist Dan Savage explained the art of talking dirty very simply: “Dirty talk for beginners: Tell ’em what you’re going to do, tell ’em what you’re doing, tell ’em what you did.” This formula sounds perfect, but what if you’re shy and struggle with articulating your thoughts?  Not all people are comfortable with voicing…

LELO Podcast: Love Revolution During the Pandemic

The second episode of our pleasure podcasts takes around the globe to discuss the effects of the ongoing pandemic of human relationships. How has the prolonged time spent together influenced couples? How has the dating scene changed? Or how to deal with the psychological impacts of lockdown? These and many more questions form the basis…

Sexual Compatibility: It’s Not About Instant Attraction

Sexual compatibility is one of the most important aspects of every relationship. Whenever we meet a new partner, we’re always eager to find out whether we’re compatible in the sheets.  We’re looking for that spark, that instant attraction to another person, where you can’t seem to get enough of each other and where you don’t…

Blog Dating Dating Advice sex tips Sex Tips & Advice Single  What’s ‘Second Base’ These Days, Sexually Speaking?

What’s ‘Second Base’ These Days, Sexually Speaking?

Whether you’re a pinch hitter in middle school or a relief pitcher who’s been to the mound a few times, you’re probably like us and very, very confused by all the baseball terminology that pop culture has made so famous. We’re of course talking about the different bases correlating to different levels of intimacy with…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Sexual Health Sexual Wellness Single  What Does it Mean to be Panromantic

What Does it Mean to be Panromantic

LGBT. LGBTQ. LGBTQI. LGBTQIA+. As an out and proud member of the queer community, I relish each letter our little web of support brings to the table. Under such a big, welcoming archway of possibility, there are few things more beautiful than queers and our ability to meet one another exactly where we’re at. Most…

Blog Committed Relationship Communication Dating Dating Advice Single  How To Compliment a Girl Through Text in 4 Different Ways

How To Compliment a Girl Through Text in 4 Different Ways

Is your partner’s love language verbal affirmation? If so, you should definitely take advantage of World Compliment Day to show them some love. Words are one of the most powerful tools of communication and making your crush, girlfriend, wife, or life partner feel butterflies can start with a simple text.  What is World Compliment Day…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Healthy Relationship Sexual Wellness  Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

Strengthen Your Relationship with These 5 Love Languages

While no two couples are the same, there are a few tips and tricks that can definitely make a difference when it comes to having a stronger relationship.  And according to Gary Chapman, a doctor of philosophy, counselor, and author, the key to having a lasting relationship is to know, and make use of, the…

Blog Dating Single  The Standby Spouse: Is A Backup Boyfriend Normal?

The Standby Spouse: Is A Backup Boyfriend Normal?

We have very complex mating strategies as a species. Research shows that a heterosexual woman will adapt their behavior and the way they dress depending on the kind of relationship they’re looking for. Whether it’s innate or it’s down to external, cultural pressures is an important consideration, but whatever the reason, straight women looking for…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Sex Tips & Advice  8 Sex-Themed Anniversary Ideas for Raunchy Couples

8 Sex-Themed Anniversary Ideas for Raunchy Couples

We’re not saying that these eight sex-themed ideas aren’t ideal for any day! But, if you and your partner or your friends with benefits are coming up on an anniversary of some sorts, these raunchy activities are not only unique and fun, but also super sexy.  From staycations and seemingly innocent games turned dirty, to…

Blog Dating Single  Can You Find Love on Tinder?

Can You Find Love on Tinder?

The majority of people meet their partners through friends, family, work, or social groups. But increasingly, we’re meeting our partners online, due to having access to a high volume of people, being able to organise them easily, and communicate with them safely, at our own leisure. Dating apps like Tinder have simplified the process even…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Sexual Health  Does my Low Sex Drive Mean Something’s Wrong With My Relationship?

Does my Low Sex Drive Mean Something’s Wrong With My Relationship?

Many of us worry about the way our sexual desire fades as a relationship progresses. We’re usually aware of the honeymoon effect, and we expect that the beginning of a new relationship will be sexier and more passionate than the later stages, but regardless, we still wonder if the dip in sex drive is normal.…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Masturbation  The Ethics of Masturbating In A Relationship

The Ethics of Masturbating In A Relationship

Is masturbation cheating? It’s one of those little questions that shouldn’t matter, and it doesn’t, until it really does. Like, ‘do we have enough oxygen?’ or ‘what happens if you cross a cat with a T-Rex?’ Despite a growing amount of flexibility in our relationships, the majority of our relationships are largely monogamous , and…

Advice Blog Committed Relationship Dating Lesbian LGBTQ Sensual Wellbeing Single  What Coming Out Should Look Like

What Coming Out Should Look Like

There are a lot of questions that arise before thinking about coming out (a metaphor used by the LGBTQ+ community referring to revealing your sexual identity) to your friends, family, workplace, etc. How do I tell them? When? What will they say? Is it even worth it?  It’s important to weigh the pros and cons…

Blog Committed Relationship Dating Initiating Sex sex tips Sex Tips & Advice  With Consent, of Course, Here’s How to Initiate Sex

With Consent, of Course, Here’s How to Initiate Sex

Let’s get straight to it… you should be enjoying (more) sex! Whether it’s for all of the added mental and physical health benefits , pleasure, or even to strengthen your relationship.  But for couples who don’t instinctively ‘hop to it’ like rabbits every hour on the hour, (do these people even exist?!) intiating sex can…

Blog Dating Sexual Health Single  Introverts and Sex

Introverts and Sex

When we hear the word introvert, most of us imagine a person with robot-like social skills. Such extremes, however, are relatively rare, which is exactly what makes them extreme. In reality, there’s a continuous scale between absolute introversion and extroversion and almost all of us fall somewhere in between. Nevertheless, the fact that we gravitate…

#StaySafe Blog Committed Relationship Dating Interview READER Q&As Sexual Health Single  Sex and Love During Covid 19—A Q&A with Dr. Zhana

Sex and Love During Covid 19—A Q&A with Dr. Zhana

Hi everyone, this is Dr. Zhana, professor of human sexuality in New York University and it’s time to answer some questions about sex and love in this very strange time of the Coronavirus pandemic and the life-saving requirements to physically distance from people. It’s a challenging time for pretty much everyone. It’s challenging for single…

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