We get a lot of feedback from our wonderful readers, and as June is Pride month, we are going to be tackling some of the questions we’ve received from our LELO fans in the LGBTQ community. Q: Dear LELO, I’ve been a big fan of your products and blog for a few years, but I…
First Experience
That’s Life – An Erotic Story
One of the life’s comical by-products is ones rose-coloured recollection – aided by blurred hindsight, glossed-over claims of imaginary “todger” length/girth, recalling how many occasions one gave pleasure and the inevitable blatant lie as to how long one kept the marathon “quickie” going. The oral pleasure received from ladies who had a natural and insatiable…
Here’s Everything You Should Know Before You Have Sex For The First Time
Having sex for the first time can mean a lot of different things to different people, but when it comes to doing the dirty there are still a few things to take into consideration going into it, from whether we’re really ready to have sex at that moment to which type of protection we want…