There are few better self-care routines than taking a long, relaxing bath, but we can think of one sure-fire way to improve bath time… that’s by bringing a toy (or two) into the tub with you! But getting the right toy is important, not just because you need to be sure they’re waterproof. Here’s our…
Sex Tips & Advice

Ask a Doctor: Everything You Want To Know About Masturbation by Dr. Zhana
Hi everyone, this is Dr. Zhana. I’m a professor of human sexuality at New York University and Happy National Masturbation Day! May is both Masturbation Month and mental health awareness month and I don’t think that’s a coincidence! Because self-pleasure is one of my, at least, favourite forms of self-care. So, I’m really excited to…

What’s ‘Second Base’ These Days, Sexually Speaking?
Whether you’re a pinch hitter in middle school or a relief pitcher who’s been to the mound a few times, you’re probably like us and very, very confused by all the baseball terminology that pop culture has made so famous. We’re of course talking about the different bases correlating to different levels of intimacy with…

What’s a ‘Penis Sleeve’?
When some men deal with the effects of erectile dysfunction or desire penis enlargement without medication or invasive procedures, they will turn to penis sleeves. What’s a penis sleeve? Most commonly, a penis sleeve is a rigid-but-pliable sheathe that goes around and over a semi-hard penis during sex. It serves three purposes: 1. It adds…

Try Slow Sex if You Want the Most Intense Orgasms of Your Life
Usually, when it’s time to get frisky, we tend to get so excited that we just rush through the whole experience and be done in less than ten minutes. Sometimes, the quick and dirty “Bham wham, thank you, ma’am” type of sex is hot and works wonders when you just want to release some tension. …

A Special Something for a Special Someone: LELO Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is an opportunity to thank all of the leading ladies out there for giving us life. And for many, a mother represents so much more than 50 percent of our DNA. Mother’s have magical powers that can heal broken hearts, body aches and pains, and physical wounds. And during your life, people will…

Avoiding Awkwardness: Is It Ok For Your Dog To Watch You Have Sex?
Once you get a pet, you will inevitably deal with an issue is that might have never crossed your mind before – should I let my pet watch me have sex? With pets like cats, that is rarely an issue because they are a live-and-let-live kind of animal that will let you do your weird…

Getting Started with Sex Chairs
To think of ‘sex furniture’ may bring to mind straps and swings hanging from the rafters of Christian Gray’s red room, however there’s so much more to them than that. Rather than just being kinky accoutrements (which they certainly can be), they are great erotic aides that open up more possibilities for people of all…

LILY 2 vs. SIRI 2 Product Comparison Guide
We know what you’re here for, so let’s get into the knitty gritty details that differentiate LILY 2 and SIRI 2 . See below for a comparison that’ll help you choose the right one for you. Similarities Between LILY 2 vs. SIRI 2 LILY 2 and SIRI 2 are incredibly discreet. They fit in the…

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Vagina Tattoos aka Vattoos
From vajazzling (applying crystal ornaments on the shaved mons pubis) to tattoos, there’s basically enough freedom to decorate your lady bits however you fancy. What a time to be alive, am I right? You see, vagina tattoos are not a new concept. For as long as tattooing has been around, there have certainly been those…

Your Sexier New Year’s Resolutions
Be it in the bedroom or just out in the world, the start of a new year is a great time to take stock and examine our trajectories to figure out if what we find is affirming – or in need of some adjustment. So what follows is a list of romance-related resolutions for the…

How Winter Affects Your Sex Life
Ah the cold, cozy winter evenings. You know the ones we’re talking about, when all you want to do is wrap yourself in huge blanket, relax in front of the fire – and have sex. That’s at least according to a number of U.S. studies regarding seasonal effects on sensuality; winter is when we all…

Not so Silent Night: 10 of the Sexiest Christmas Songs
While we are the first ones to get tired of the same 40 or so Christmas songs that flood the radio waves in late November, we won’t deny wishing for some seasonally appropriate sexy music to set the mood during the holiday season. Below, we’ve listed 10 of the sexiest Christmas songs for everything from…

Will Sex Tech Change Sex?
We no longer require a partner to live comfortably in Western culture. Women are no longer dependent on a man for income, and men are no longer dependent on a woman to run a household or raise a family. In fact, women are no longer dependant on men at all, and vice versa. All the…

Three Tips For Having More Sex
There are hundreds of articles out there for having better sex. We’ve written plenty of our own. After all, at LELO, we tend to pride quality over quantity. But what if, just this once, it was quantity that was the issue, and not quality? What if the sex you’re having is fine, when it happens,…

5 Old Myths About Female Sexuality That Just Won’t Die
At almost every conceivable cultural touchpoint, women are seen through a straight, white, male prism. Every influential piece of media is guided by a male perspective, even famously empowering ones. This isn’t even a controversial view; we all know it. Sex & The City was adapted from the books by a man. 50 Shades is…

Why Do Men Send Dick Pics?
Almost without exception, any woman who has had the misfortune to adventure onto the internet has seen a penis unsolicited. It’s just one of those things that is now part of our lives, that we have to tolerate or be socially excluded entirely, like Tik-Tok. Women are unhappy about this for two very obvious reasons.…

What Sex Tip have You been Practicing to Stay Sane?
There’s no doubt this past year has brought about unexpected change for everyone, even in the bedroom. Whether you’ve been cooped up with your partner and having sex out of boredom, or home alone testing out virtual masturbation, this pandemic brought along an opportunity that showed us that sexual wellness is an important part of…

Swipe Your V-Card with No Regrets
Our culture places huge importance on losing one’s virginity. For many, being a virgin is seen as being ‘uncool’ and this is a big reason why so many individuals feel the pressure, engage in sex for the first time, and sometimes regret it. But if we’ve caught you before you’ve officially swiped your v-card, that’s…

Why Is Cuckolding A Popular Fantasy
Women have had a hard time of things when it comes to cheating, culturally speaking. In most of the societies mentioned in the Old Testament, it is very literally carved in stone that a man can take many wives, but if any of them cheat on him, there is a list of punishments too horrendous…

Tips For Movie Sex
Have you ever finished having sex and thought, “that wasn’t like the movies”? Movie sex is, of course, scripted. Those are actors. It’s rehearsed, and practiced, and staged, and orchestrated. Hollywood does a very poor job of portraying the reality of sex , and rarely feature the kind of everyday sexual mishaps we all experience,…

5 MORE Things The Smithsonian Taught Me About Sex
The Smithsonian is a fountainhead of fascination and wonder. But dig deep enough, and you’ll find that this venerable establishment is as obsessed with sex as the rest of us. Let’s take a look at some more things the Smithsonian taught me about sex in the natural world. Slug At First Sight The unassuming leopard…

5 Weird Sex Myths Debunked
We make up all sorts of stuff about sex. Birds and bees, storks bringing babies, damn, sex is confusing as heck. Some of those little oddities hang around and gather lives of their own until it’s hard to remember a time when they didn’t exist. We’ve pulled together and debunked five of the stranger myths…

Is Porn REALLY A Problem?
I remember a study in 2016 that implied that many young men, after a decade of high-speed internet access, were experiencing erectile dysfunction as a result of the overuse of pornography. The study was featured in Time magazine, which quoted a number of such young men who claimed they “quit pornography to have more sex”,…

Why Older Women Have Sex With Younger Men
Relationships with age differences have always existed. Many cultures consider it a central tenet, especially in cultures where multiple partners are tolerated. But usually, it seems to be a story of older men partnering with younger women. Recently, though, that dynamic has been challenged by the increasing frequency of romantic couples consisting of older women…

Better Sex Tips From Boomers
Americans are aging, fast. Older couples represent a larger slice of the population than ever, and the rate of sexual activity amongst older members of the community is on the rise too. Couples in their fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond are remaining sexually active longer than ever, and are reporting higher levels of sexual satisfaction…

8 Sex-Themed Anniversary Ideas for Raunchy Couples
We’re not saying that these eight sex-themed ideas aren’t ideal for any day! But, if you and your partner or your friends with benefits are coming up on an anniversary of some sorts, these raunchy activities are not only unique and fun, but also super sexy. From staycations and seemingly innocent games turned dirty, to…

17 Best Sex Jokes That Are Actually Good Kinda
How to get laid: lie in bed, what two hours, become past tense. I used to date an English teacher, but they dumped me for improper use of the colon. Q: If a blackbird makes a baby blackbird, and a bluebird makes a baby bluebird, what kind of bird makes no baby? A: Swallow. My…

The Secret to Good Sex
Over time, our enthusiasm for sex can begin to wane, and many find themselves in a position where they’re simply not having as much sex as they used to, or they don’t find it as pleasurable as they used to. Considered on a society-wide basis, we’re all experiencing less pleasure than we used to. Dr.…

Breathing For Better Sex
Stop the presses. Turns out, after thousands of years of searching, there really is one simple thing we can all do to enhance the pleasure and satisfaction of sex. And it’s something we all do all the time without even thinking about. It’s so easy that you’ve already done it several times while reading this.…

Can Certain Foods Boost Your Libido?
The fact that our libidos ebb and flow is the topic of dozens of articles on this blog, and millions worldwide. It’s an established fact and something that we all deal with and process differently. There are too many causes to count – it can be down to external or internal forces, or physiological or…

Mindful Sex Is Mind-Blowing Sex
Have you ever had one of those moments during sex in which you feel disconnected? When your mind wanders, and you find yourself observing the spectacle objectively? Sometimes it’s the feeling of having a really rational thought that seems out of place during sex. For example, you might be having sex, and suddenly find yourself…

Five hacks to quickly boost your sexual performance
Various reasons can make you feel anxious about your sexual performance but do not despair, these five simple hacks can help you quickly boost your lovemaking performance. 1. Be careful what you eat prior to sex Make sure to carefully monitor your food intake before sex because it can seriously damage your performance. On top…

How To Communicate Your Desires (& Receive Them) on All or Nothing Day
Historically, All or Nothing Day (July 26) is a day dedicated to facing our fears, whether that be jumping out of a plane, kissing a girl you’ve liked for a long time or saying goodbye to the nightlight. But in true LELO fashion, we encourage you to use this holiday as an opportunity to ask…

Kiss and Tell: Locking Lips & The Eskimo Kiss, Explained
For many societies, countries, and cultures, a kiss entails locking lips either as a sign of love or friendship, or as a means to induce passion and arousal . So for a lot of us, this act of love, friendship, or passion, is seemingly normal. But why do so many people kiss… like they do?…

Navigating Your First Time Lesbian Experience
PSA: You’re never too old to figure out who you are. Whether you’re having doubts about your career choice, your current partner, or your sexual orientation, you have the power to change your circumstances and opinions. And quite honestly, I totally recommend that you do work on something that’s holding you back from living your…

Sexual Meditation
Meditation is not woo-woo ultra-spiritual stuff. It’s simply the ability to focus your attention, your concentration, and your mind on whatever the chosen meditation object is. That’s all. And, it goes without saying, that object can be sex. Sexual meditation is a little different from mindfulness, which is very similar. Mindfulness is the use of…

Initiating Spontaneous Surprise Sex
It’s no secret that when couples have been together for a certain amount of time , the sexual energy changes. And that’s not to say that amazing sex isn’t possible. In fact, the more emotionally invested you are, the better the sex could be. At the same time however, you may not be hopping to…

5 Things The Smithsonian Taught Me about Sex
Ah the Smithsonian, that age-old institution of science and reason. With an untouchable reputation for knowledge on all things natural, it’s only to be expected that within the pages of its publications you can discover anything you need to know about the natural world. As it happens, what we want to know today, is this:…

With Consent, of Course, Here’s How to Initiate Sex
Let’s get straight to it… you should be enjoying (more) sex! Whether it’s for all of the added mental and physical health benefits , pleasure, or even to strengthen your relationship. But for couples who don’t instinctively ‘hop to it’ like rabbits every hour on the hour, (do these people even exist?!) intiating sex can…

Sex Between Women: How do Lesbians Have Sex?
By now you’ve realized that most mainstream lesbian erotic films are quite literally in the business of producing fantasy, not reality. Thus, many women who are interested in exploring same-sex attraction, may feel ill-prepared to actually pursue another woman for fear of ‘not knowing what to do’ in bed. Below, we take a look at…

Bachelor Party Gift Ideas for Him that are Sexy AF
You are either about to become “someone’s penis forever” or just locked down one of your own, congrats! Now it’s time to gather the boys and show them you care about their pleasure, too. Check out the sexiest bachelor party gift ideas that will be sure to make your future husband or groomsmem blush on…

4 Ways Sex Enhances Intimacy
It seems almost redundant to say “sex brings you closer to your partner.” I don’t think you need us to tell us that. But few of us consider why it makes us closer? What is it, scientifically speaking, that allows sex to enhance intimacy? Luckily, we have our fingers deep in many scientists’ bookshelves, so…

The Love Agenda is the Only Calendar You’ll Need All Year
Whether you follow the Chinese calendar, Gregorian calendar, or plan your entire year around summer vacation, we at LELO fittingly start the year off in Masturbation Month (aka May)! And if there’s anything this wild year has brought us, it’s a little too much time at home that has spurred some creative thinking. Our team…

Happy Lingerie Day, Lace and Latex Lovers Alike!
April 24th marks a holiday you may not have heard of, but you might already have everything you need to celebrate already tucked away in a drawer and reserved for special occasions. Well, sometimes an occasion calls for a special outfit, and sometimes a special outfit calls for an occasion—like Lingerie Day! What’s to Love…

How to Get Out of Your Head During Sex
The single biggest obstacle people face in the bedroom is being too much in their heads — because that’s what’s behind basically every other sexual issue. If you’re thinking or worrying during sex, this can lead to difficulty getting aroused, orgasming , and truly connecting with your partner. If this is an issue you’ve been…

Birthday Sex Ideas That Are More Delicious Than Cake
Birthday sex—there’s just something about the way those two luscious words roll off the tip of your tongue that makes you immediately think, “Yes, please.” Maybe it brings to mind the image of a sexy bikini-clad gal emerging from an extra-large, heavily frosted birthday cake, or maybe you hear Jeremih’s 2009 hit song of the…

7 Reasons to Stimulate Your Clit in the Shower or Bath
When it comes to masturbation, most people keep it confined to the privacy of their bedroom. But there are many fantastic reasons to be more adventurous with your vibrator if you consider changing things up. Nowadays, there are a great range of waterproof vibrators and couples’ toys that are perfect for stimulation in the shower…

Nipple Orgasms: Are They Real?
You might’ve heard of different kinds of orgasms, like clitoral orgasms, G-spot orgasms, and prostate orgasms — but orgasms don’t actually even have to stem from genital touch. Some people actually report orgasming just from nipple play. The nipples are densely packed with nerve endings, and one study found that they’re connected to the same…

I Queefed During Our First Hookup – Can I Go Die Now?
The time has come. You’ve just taken a lover back to your place after some cocktails. They’re so sexy, it’s like they’ve been yanked straight out of your wildest fantasies to be here, in your bed, with you. As the temperature climbs from hot to sizzling, you’re both scrambling towards that fever pitch. Your nerves…