
Articles  People With This Astrological Sign Were More Likely To Have Cheated This Year

People With This Astrological Sign Were More Likely To Have Cheated This Year

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Sure, our horoscopes are interesting to read, but do our signs really reflect our specific habits and proclivities? That may be nearly impossible to tell — perhaps because there isn’t actually any science behind any of this — but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to try. In fact, one infidelity app found a few interesting links between horoscopes and cheating patterns.

Victoria Milan, a dating app specifically for extramarital affairs and anonymous hookups, used its user data to determine the sign that was most li

Articles  30 Of The Funniest Things That Have Ever Happened During Sex

30 Of The Funniest Things That Have Ever Happened During Sex

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If there’s one thing that feels better than an orgasm, it’s probably laughter. That’s why sex becomes extra special when something undeniably hilarious happens.

Sex can often be fun, but what makes sex actually fun ny? Knowing how candid people tend to get on Reddit, we visited the site to find out what real people cite as their funniest sex stories. And, as we expected, they did not disappoint. From spontaneous bodily sounds to unexpected fluids to a couple of way-too-friendly pets, these stories put our own sexual crack-ups to shame.

If you’ve ever had an awkward moment or surpr

Articles  How Big Is The Average Clitoris?

How Big Is The Average Clitoris?

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In the years that Londa Schiebinger has been teaching a class on sexuality at Stanford, she has noted that “most” of her male students “can tell you the length and diameter of their penis, both flaccid and erect.” Meanwhile, her female students tend to have “no idea” how big their clitoris is, nor of the variation in size of the clitoris among women. When the magazine Science published an article titled “How Big Is the Average Penis?” in 2015, it remained among the most popular articles on their website for months.


Articles  This Dad Totally Got It When His Daughter Asked For A Pride Flag For Christmas

This Dad Totally Got It When His Daughter Asked For A Pride Flag For Christmas

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When Dakotah Whitcomb asked her father for a pride flag for Christmas, she didn’t have high hopes. “I just assumed I probably wasn’t going to get one because it was so last-minute,” she Articles  This Woman Won Her Breakup In The Best Way After Her Fiancé Dumped Her Via Text

This Woman Won Her Breakup In The Best Way After Her Fiancé Dumped Her Via Text

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Brenna Clanton’s experience with heartbreak may be a cautionary tale for anyone thinking about breaking up with their partner via text message right befor

Articles  The Lovely Reason Sex Gets More Satisfying As You Age

The Lovely Reason Sex Gets More Satisfying As You Age

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Despite what the media might have us believe, sexuality isn’t just something enjoyed by young people. Many continue to have active sex lives later in life — and exciting ones at that, according to a study in the Journal of Sexual Research.

Researchers from the University of Minnesota and Stony Brook University analyzed data from 6,278 people collected between 1995 and 2013 for the Midlife in the United States study.

While the quality of people’s sex lives did decline as they got older, this wasn’t always

Articles  5 signs your ex wants you back, but should you do anything?

5 signs your ex wants you back, but should you do anything?

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Tell me. Has this ever happened to you? You wake up in the middle of the night, roll over, check your phone and see this:cell

No Caller ID? That must be your ex, right? You are filled with excitement. You believe they want you back. You are ecstatic. You have hope. YOU ARE LOVING LIFE.

Your inner voice starts to say, “What do they want? Why did they call? I knew they would call.”

You go to work/school thrilled that morning. You start asking your friends what the meaning could be behind all of this?

“Why did she call me? If that mea

Articles  30 Sex "Rules" For People In Long-Term Relationships

30 Sex “Rules” For People In Long-Term Relationships

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No matter how many dozens of Netflix-and-chill nights you and your long-term partner have had together, there’s something that keeps you tuning in for more. But just as individuals age and change over time, the same goes for your sex life: What turned you on when you first made it Facebook official might not be the same for you now.

Experts say that the key to a happy, fulfilling sex life with a long-term S.O. is changing things up and making your own new sex “rules” as you go along. But of course, these “rules” aren’t hard and fast, and they don’t stay stagnant; they grow and change with your relationshi

Articles  32 Gifts For The New Mom In Your Life — That Are NOT For Her Baby

32 Gifts For The New Mom In Your Life — That Are NOT For Her Baby

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They say having a baby changes everything. But does it? Yes, a new mom is bound to be a sleepier, more forgetful, slightly crankier — and, if she’s a birth mother, a sore and waddling and possibly pee-sneezing — version of her former self. But does having a baby make her relinquish all her former opinions, habits, and interests? Will she suddenly become a vegan, or vote Republican (please, not this year, think of the children), or decide she is no longer extremely excited for the Gilmore Girls reunion series? Of course not. She is the same person she always was. She just has a new, cute/loud, important, very expensive new person

Articles  These Are The Real Kama Sutra Sex Positions

These Are The Real Kama Sutra Sex Positions

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A few thousand years ago, when Indian writer Vatsyayana was putting pen to paper and writing the text that would be known as the Kama Sutra, he couldn’t have foreseen the impact that his work would have on the world. In the modern era, the words “Kama Sutra” are a synonym for sex. A number of outlets have used “Kama Sutra” to signify “crazy ways to do it,” from the (very earnest) Cosmo Kama Sutra to the (highly unaut

Articles  Forget Vibrators — THIS is The Sex Toy You Need

Forget Vibrators — THIS is The Sex Toy You Need

Kudos To >> Tell someone you’re buying a sex toy, and chances are good they’ll assume you mean one thing, and one thing only: a vibrator. Though vibrators are hardly the only pleasure product on offer — dildos, butt plugs, cock rings, masturbation sleeves, and kink toys routinely line the aisles of sex toy…

Articles  22 Sexts To Send To Your Partner Now

22 Sexts To Send To Your Partner Now

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Illustrated by: Abbie Winters

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that sexting can be great for your relationship. Whether you’ve been in a relationship for a while or you’re just starting something new, sending flirty, dirty messages is a great way to spice things up and keep them fresh — especially if you and your partner are long-distance.

If you’re not sure how to start (or continue) a sexting session, though, it can be difficult to overcome the initial awkwardness. That’s wh

Articles  Think No One Would Go To A Real-Life Westworld? Think Again

Think No One Would Go To A Real-Life Westworld? Think Again

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Sex between humans and machines isn’t just a possibility in Westworld anymore. Robots are getting more and more realistic, and according to research presented at the Love and Sex with Robots conference in London this week, people want to take advantage of that.

“We react towards computers and machines as we do with human beings,” explained researcher Jessica M. Szczuka, according to

Articles  26 Steamy Sex Games For Very Playful Nights

26 Steamy Sex Games For Very Playful Nights

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There are plenty of ways to shake up your sex life, whether it’s by trying out a new sex toy or consulting the Kama Sutra. But what if you’re in an especially playful mood? That’s where sex games come in. You’re probably familiar with some of them — sexy truth or dare, dirty dice — but have you ever given a sensory-play card game or a role-playing app a whirl?

Whether you’re looking to try something new with a long-term S.O. or getting adventurous with a ne

Articles  33 Gifts For The Badass Feminists In Your Life

33 Gifts For The Badass Feminists In Your Life

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Badass feminist friends are, arguably, the best kind of friends. And that means badass feminist gifts are, arguably, the best kind of gifts.

While we know that feminism is so much more than wearing a “The Future Is Female” T-shirt or writing in a “feminist rants” notebook, wearing your opinions on your sleeve (literally) can be a great way to feel powerful and start conversations with like-minded people. And outwardly paying homage to gender equality might even encourage your uninitiated friends and acquaintances to pick your brain on the topic.

So, if you are lucky eno

Articles  Lose Yourself in a Journey through Montreal Nightlife

Lose Yourself in a Journey through Montreal Nightlife

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Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
Lose Yourself in a Journey through Montreal Nightlife

  With its French-inflicted charm and also the most dynamic entertainment, Montreal is famous for its vibrant nightlife. People travel here from all over the world just to have a taste of the nightlife...

Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
Lose Yourself in a Journey through Montreal Nightlife

Articles  Why Do We All Turn Into Our Teenage Selves When We Go Home For The Holidays?

Why Do We All Turn Into Our Teenage Selves When We Go Home For The Holidays?

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Even though Jamie is nearly 30 years old, once a year, she reverts to behaving like an adolescent.

“When I go home for the holidays, it feels like I never left. My mom still nags at me about my weight, and my older sister still competes with me for our parents’ approval,” said Jamie. “Last Christmas Eve, as I reached for a piece of pecan pie, my mom rolled her eyes and criticized me for eating ‘carbs.’ I got so frustrated that I pushed away my plate, stomped upstairs and hid in what used to be my childhood bedroom, because I couldn’t ta

Articles  This Tweetstorm About Two Cafe Employees Is The Holiday Romance Story We All Need

This Tweetstorm About Two Cafe Employees Is The Holiday Romance Story We All Need

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Imagine a world where the famous card scene from Love Actually resulted in the blossoming of a romantic relationship. Now imagine if their story ended with a little more than a chaste “thank-you” kiss.

That’s the Christmas miracle that one Twitter user witnessed at a café on Saturday afternoon. (Okay, maybe not exactly, but we couldn’t resist the chance to reference Love Actually.)

Over the weekend, Twitter user Jerry h

Articles  This Woman Had The Best Reaction When She Witnessed A Public Proposal

This Woman Had The Best Reaction When She Witnessed A Public Proposal

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Gaze upon the photo above and feel the warmth of 1,000 suns. When Jessica Rodriguez proposed to her partner at the Art Institute of Chicago, one very surprised — and very happy — woman was there to witness the joyous occas

Articles  'Tis The Season For Christmas-Related Porn

‘Tis The Season For Christmas-Related Porn

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If you’ve been on the internet for as long as we have, you know that there is porn for everything. While most of us probably enjoy porn in the comfort and privacy of our own bedrooms, that doesn’t mean that external events don’t influence what we watch.

For instance, holidays tend to bring out a little more festiveness in our porn-watching habits. When Halloween rolled around, we were all really into pumpkins and zombies; by the time Articles  This IUD Ornament Will Complete Your Christmas Tree

This IUD Ornament Will Complete Your Christmas Tree

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If you’re still looking for that one ornament to complete your Christmas tree this year, consider your search over.

Thanks to Nasty Or Nice, you can now buy an ornament with a mini-IUD inside of it.

The ornament is just one part of the lineup of birth control-related decorations Nasty or Nice is offering; other ornaments include one with an implant, a ring, and a tongue-in-cheek sterilization knot.

Nasty or Nice, a part of the NOW-NYC advocacy group, is an organization dedicated to women’s reproductive rights. And

Articles  You'll Soon Be Able To Own Heated Lube Dispensers

You’ll Soon Be Able To Own Heated Lube Dispensers

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Photo: Courtesy of Pulse

Cold lube sounds like the absolute worst Mad Libs answer, but in the winter time, it’s a reality for couples who are just trying to get steamy. You could wait and warm it up in your hands, buy a Articles  30 Ways To Have The Most Amazing Messy Sex, Ever

30 Ways To Have The Most Amazing Messy Sex, Ever

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As the Bloodhound Gang reminded us in its hit 1999 song, we “ain’t nothing but mammals.” That doesn’t just mean we’re warm-blooded and feed our young during gestation — it also means that, whether we like it or not, we produce a lot of fluids. Most of the time, we keep that fact relatively secret, but it’s harder to hide during sex. From squirting to ejaculation and menstrual blood, there are plenty of liquids that can make sex a big, old mess. So why not embrace it?

Articles  A Raw Glimpse Into The Emotional Lives Of Transgender Women

A Raw Glimpse Into The Emotional Lives Of Transgender Women

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Watch The Trailer For Shatterbox Anthology’s: The Convention

Every spring since 1989, the annual Esprit conference brings together transgender women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s from all over the country. For this one week in Port Angeles, WA, attendees share their stories with one another and build a community through workshops, social activities, and self-discovery.

So it’s no surprise that director and cinematographer Articles  Should You Wait Until After The Holidays To Break Up With Your S.O.?

Should You Wait Until After The Holidays To Break Up With Your S.O.?

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Illustrated by Anna Sudit.

This story was originally published on December 17, 2014.

Breakups suck, no matter the time of year. The holiday season, though, has its own magical way of making a rough patch feel unbearable. Blame the twinkly lights and mistletoe and happy, hand-holding couples — whatever the reason, if you’re not totally sold on your S.O., it can suddenly become tempting to cut ties and finish out the year alone.

If you’re worried about looking cruel or hurting the other pers

Articles  32 Sexy, Non-Cringeworthy Gifts To Buy With Your Partner

32 Sexy, Non-Cringeworthy Gifts To Buy With Your Partner

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Mastering the art of giving “sexy” gifts is not something that comes easily to most. Well, alright, it doesn’t come easily to me or anyone I’ve ever dated. The first time I ever attempted a present of the R-rated variety was in high school, when I went to Spencer’s Gifts (not a great start) and bought a pair of fluffy, cherry-red handcuffs. Once I mustered up the courage to hand them over to my then-boyfriend — still in their Spencer’s bag and several days after his birthday — he promptly snapped them onto his own wrists with excitement.

“Oh,” I

Articles  These Women Chased Off An Armed Robber With Sex Toys

These Women Chased Off An Armed Robber With Sex Toys

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We all know how great sex toys can be for, well, your sex life. But who knew that they could also help fight crime?

When two sex shop employees were confronted by a robber demanding money, they fought him off by yelling and throwing sex toys at him to run him out of the store, reports ABC 7. And if that sounds too good to be true, the incident was caught on surveillance tape so that you can see for yourself.


Articles  The Sex Toys You Didn't Know You Needed

The Sex Toys You Didn’t Know You Needed

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We’re great fans of accessorizing in the bedroom. Au naturel stimulation is wonderful, but sex toys can do things that people just can’t. The sex toy industry is now attracting an impressive $15 billion a year in global sales, and with a plethora of clever products at a range of prices on the market, we’re spoiled for choice. This also means that smart shopping can be tricky.

To help you cut through the noise, we’re curating a roundup of some of our favorite picks. We’ve got you covered with everything from

Articles  A Big Raise Doesn't Do Very Much For Your Mental Health

A Big Raise Doesn’t Do Very Much For Your Mental Health

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A version of this article originally appeared on Shape.

A new report published this week is just the reminder we needed about maintaining a work/life balance. Its findings suggest some surprising things about the true source of happiness and life satisfaction — namely that an influx of cash isn’t the joy-bringer we might expect it to be.

Related: Not ‘Liking’ Photos On Instagram Could Be Making You Depressed


Articles  These Sex Positions Will Prove To You That Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better

These Sex Positions Will Prove To You That Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better

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When it comes to penises, we’re often told that bigger is better — but in reality, that’s far from the truth. In fact, studies suggest that, other than than a boost in confidence, larger penises don’t afford the men who have them with any extra prowess in the bedroom.

And confidence? Well, that can be learned.

The truth is, no matter what someone’s penis size, creativity and a willingness to experiment can be ke

Articles  10 Types Of Sexual Coercion We Don't Talk About Enough

10 Types Of Sexual Coercion We Don’t Talk About Enough

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While sexual assault can take on many different forms, the one thing that remains the same is that assault is never a survivor’s fault — including instances in which assault occurs in a relationship.

Even so, sexual violence isn’t always easy to recognize. While most of us understand rape as any instance that involves penetration without consent, what’s more ambiguous is what a partner might feel obliged or forced to do in sexual relationships.

Cameka Crawford, chief communica

Articles  These Are The Names You're Most Likely To Swipe Right On

These Are The Names You’re Most Likely To Swipe Right On

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Is there such a thing as an attractive name? When it comes to online dating, personal preference is of course a huge factor, but apparently, people with certain names might just have more luck than others.

Okay, so you probably wouldn’t date someone solely based on their name. But according to Tinder, there are particular names that might make you more likely to swipe right. The dating app has released a list of the most right-swiped names in the U.S. in 2016, and it is fascinating.

Again, names are of course not the be-all, end-all of dating,

Articles  As Many As 10 Million People May Have Been Victims Of Revenge Porn

As Many As 10 Million People May Have Been Victims Of Revenge Porn

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Photographed by Rockie Nolan.

Despite high-profile cases of celebrity photo “hacks,” most recently Maisie Williams, and a lot of conversations about “revenge porn” (remember Is Anyone Up?), we still don’t have a good idea of how common the threat of releasing private photos really is. But in a new survey of the problem, researchers found that 4% of internet users in the U.S. — or about 10 million people — may have b

Articles  These Could Change Your Sex Life Forever

These Could Change Your Sex Life Forever

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This article was originally published on April 2, 2015 and has been updated throughout.

Lube is a little like masturbation. It’s a big part of most people’s sex lives, and almost nobody wants to talk about it. And, like masturbation, there are many ways to enjoy it. Even if you think you don’t really “need” it, consider that you might really like it. Aside from the obvious uses, the right lube may be the accessory that lets you try something new or take an old favorite to the next leve

Articles  This Woman Had The Best Response To People Asking When She Would Have Kids

This Woman Had The Best Response To People Asking When She Would Have Kids

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“When are you having kids?” is a common question directed at women — and an infuriating one at that. Despite more and more women choosing to remain childfree, the expectation remains that we pop out babies as soon as we have the chance.

But instead of letting anger over this line of questioning get the best of her, Articles  Everything You Need To Know About First-Time Anal Sex

Everything You Need To Know About First-Time Anal Sex

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Illustrated by: Natalia Spotts

Anal sex can be one of three things: terrifying, terrible, or terrific. Maybe you’ve heard horror stories (thanks, Tucker Max) and you’re not even remotely interested in letting something, let alone someone, go up there. Perhaps you’re tempted, but you don’t know where to begin. There are reassuring, pleasurable ways to go about anal sex, though, and it can be glorious if you know what you’re doing — and so preparation is key.

“It’s not as easy as it looks in porn,” sex psychologist Articles  15 Sex Toys That Every Couple Should Try

15 Sex Toys That Every Couple Should Try

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This article was originally published February 14, 2015.

Sex toys have come a long way since the days of Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville’s “electro-mechanical vibrator ” hit the scene in 1883. You’ve got sleeves, dildos, props, plugs, things that go in places, things that go on places, and things that go just about anywhere. Just like sex, there are many types of toys and even more ways to enjoy them.

There are probably more sex toys out there than you could use in a lifetime, and each of them more versatile than you can i

Articles  How to Deal with False Claims of Domestic Violence

How to Deal with False Claims of Domestic Violence

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If your relationship begins to turn bitter and your significant other starts to act in a way that leads you to believe that they will file false domestic abuse charges against you, it is time to take notice. Domestic violence is a serious crime that can do severe damage to your reputation. Like any false claim against you, just because YOU know you are innocent doesn’t mean you will be guaranteed your freedom. The experts at Canterbury Law Group offer steps you can take to help limit any dang

Articles  destin-basic-child


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