Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested
Published: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 07:42:44 +0000
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As we move into the new solstice, now is the perfect time to take a moment for a mid-year review. You have the opportunity, right now, to stop and reflect on what you would like to open yourself up to and manifest in the second half of 2018.
Who do you want to spend time most with over the coming months? I believe we are a product of the 5 people we spend most time with. Perhaps it’s time to clear out friendships and welcome in the new? (Learn more about this in my latest podcast about stress and sex HERE).
What energy do you want to welcome into your daily life? Are you open to pleasure, joy & adventure? Or do you desire rest, clarity and hibernation? Trust what first comes to mind, write it down, and stick it on your mirror to remind you how you want to feel.
Are you open to a new intimate relationship? Or perhaps open to deepening the existing connection with your beloved? Decide what it is you want in the area of sex, intimacy and relating, and write it down.
And remember, it’s okay to close old chapters and invite in the new. New friends. New lovers. New food. New ways of relating to others. New life. New health. New experiences. Open your arms and heart to a new way of being. Now is the time!
Podcast episodes to help you set your intentions for the second half of 2018:
Creating a Sacred Space For Sex – advice on cleaning out clutter and making your home feel fabulous
How To Manifest Your Ideal Lover – a step-by-step guide on how to manifest your dream lover (singles, this is for you!
7 New Year Rituals For Better Sex – simple rituals for better sex
Courage, Communication & Asking For What You Want – stuck with getting what you want? Here’s some advice around how to ask for it
How You Do Sex is How You Do Life – our sex life is often a reflection of our inner world, take a listen and learn about how your current attitude in life is affecting your sex
Is Stress Killing Your Boner? – this episode is ALL about health and how to reduce stress in life! There’s also info in this episode about clearing out old friendships that aren’t serving you anymore