Relationships - From The Male Perspective  Aunt and Uncles Day

Aunt and Uncles Day

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Published: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 05:00:00 +0000

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Relationships - From The Male Perspective  Aunt and Uncles Day

Today we celebrate the siblings of our parents—our aunts and uncles. Perhaps they spoiled you when you were a child, bringing you special treats and gifts. Did they have a tradition where they took you somewhere every year, or did they influence you to get involved with a certain hobby? Maybe they took care of you sometimes and let you get away with things that your parents would have never let you get away with. Perhaps you have asked them for advice over the years, or they are someone you can talk to about your parents, as they know them better than most. Maybe you have special memories of them from holidays past, or maybe some of them are now eccentrics who you relish seeing at family gatherings. Whatever your relationship with them, or the impact they have had on your life, today is for honoring and celebrating them. If you are an aunt or uncle yourself, today is for you!

Aunt and Uncles Day, also known as Aunt and Uncle’s Day, is being observed today! It has always been observed annually on July 26th.

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