BDSM STORIES Blog Erotica Free Sex Stories  Yoga On The Roof, Part 5 – An Erotic Story

Yoga On The Roof, Part 5 – An Erotic Story

BDSM STORIES Blog Erotica Free Sex Stories  Yoga On The Roof, Part 5 – An Erotic Story

Read or listen to the previous chapter: Yoga On The Roof, Part 4 Alessandra shadowboxed in the late afternoon on the roof of the apartment building. Jab, jab, jab. Right hook, left hook. Jab, jab. Uppercut. She grunted with each punch, emphasizing her power against the invisible enemy. Her face was balled up in a determined scowl, as tight as her fists. The muscles in her shoulders and upper arms stretched and constricted with the forward thrusts and the twist […]

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