Pelvix is a Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation. PELVIX strengthens your pelvic floor.
Pelvix has been designed after exhaustive research, in collaboration with gynecologists, urologists, physiotherapists and midwives into the constitution of the pelvic floor muscles and the surrounding organs involved in the working of those muscles, such as the vagina, the urethra and the rectum.
Pelvix has been designed after exhaustive researching and collaboration with international gynecologists and urologists. Pelvix is made of hypoallergenic silicone with velvet touch ending. Pelvix creates a natural stimulus that causes a reflex action in the pelvis to counteract gravity.
Pelvix design
Pelvix offers a natural therapy based on a 5-step program of exercises of the pelvic floor muscles by gradually increasing weights. Made in hypoallergenic medical silicone when introduced into the vagina, Pelvix naturally causes spontaneous reaction of the perineum and creates a natural stimulus that causes a reflex action in the pelvis to counteract gravity.
- The special shape of Pelvix facilitates the attachment to the vaginal walls.
- Pelvix angle conforms to the pelvic musculature.
- Pelvix is designed to facilitate insertion into the vagina.
The object is entirely coated in high-quality silicone, which is bio-tolerable and very smooth to the touch. The special feature of the PELVIX is the movement of the weights inside it. This characteristic stimulates blood circulation, a major factor in muscle toning.
REMOVAL CORD: Nylon, coated with medical silicone.
REAR: angled in order to be comfortable when the muscles contract.
MIDDLE: ribbed to adapt to the vaginal wall.
FRONT: tapered to aid insertion.
What is the pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor is a system of muscles and ligaments that enclose the floor of the abdomen, keeping the bladder, uterus and rectum suspended in the right position against the force of gravity. These three organs’ exit tubes – the urethra, vagina and rectum – go through the pelvic floor.
When do you need PELVIX?
- The pelvic floor can deteriorate due to the following:
- Pregnancy, birth and post-partum
- These are the main risk factors that predispose a woman to suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction. During pregnancy it is caused by the weight of the uterus overloading the tissues.
- During birth it is caused by the baby passing through the vagina, which is aggravated if the baby is heavy or has a large head circumference and further aggravated if an episiotomy has to be carried out. Caesarean births may also weaken the pelvic floor.
- During the post-partum period, if the weakened muscles are not exercised properly, you do abdominal exercises too soon or you do gym exercises that are too aggressive, the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles may be accentuated.
The menopause – Over time, with the hormonal changes brought about by the menopause, the pelvic floor may become less flexible, causing the tissues to weaken.
High-impact sport – Sports such as spinning, aerobics and jogging, which increase intra-abdominal pressure, may cause loss of muscle tone in the pelvic floor even in very young women.
Genetic inheritance – Two out of ten women have an innate weakness in the pelvic floor muscles.
Everyday habits – Retaining urine for a long time, wearing very tight clothes.
Other causes – Obesity, constipation, chronic cough, stress.
Symptoms of pelvic floor disorders – Pelvic floor disorders tend to produce the following symptoms:
Urinary incontinence – Involuntary loss of urine with no control over the filling and emptying of the bladder; sometimes there is a strong desire to urinate.
Genital prolapse – When the pelvic organs descend below their normal position into the vagina, causing a “bulging” feeling in the external genitalia, usually together with local disorders.
Pelvic pain – Pelvic pain, pain in the bladder or urethra.
Sexual dysfunctions – Disorders and discomfort in sexual relations.
How does it affect your social life?
As life expectancy rises, a large number of women will live longer and develop pelvic floor disorders more easily. These disorders may produce unpleasant symptoms, which may interfere with social relationships, leaving the house, leisure activities and sexual activity. It may cause loss of self-esteem and social isolation to the point of depression.
Pelvic floor rehabilitation
Treatment with Pelvix involves exercises aimed at improving muscle strength and elasticity, increasing urethral closure and preventing urine loss. It increases muscle tone in the pelvis muscles. By using Pelvix for just 15-20 minutes a day, for 1 to 4 months, provided you stick strictly to the routine, you will be able to achieve noticeable improvements.
Indications: Pelvic floor weakness, stress incontinence, loss of sensitivity in sexual relations, prevention of the effects of pelvic floor weakness.
Start treatment by inserting Pelvix, without any weights inside, into your vagina as if it were a tampon. It is kept in place by passive contraction of the pelvic floor muscles or with a little effort (active contraction).
Try to keep it inserted for 15 minutes. You must remain standing or move around during that time; never sit or lie down. Pelvix will tend to descend and fall down under its own weight. That will cause a spontaneous reflex that contracts the pelvic floor muscles. This action provides highly effective and specific physiotherapy.
STEP 2 – Keep up this routine for as many days as necessary until you can bear (hold) that weight completely comfortably.
STEP 3 – Insert the lightest ball into Pelvix by unscrewing the cap. Then carry on as before with 15 minutes of gentle activity each day with Pelvix inserted in your vagina.
STEP 4 – Repeat the routine, progressively increasing the weight of Pelvix, until you can comfortably bear the last weight.
STEP 5 – How long you need to carry out all of the steps depends on your particular case. We recommend that while following the treatment you visit your gynecologist to confirm how it is going.
STEP 6 – The approximate treatment time is 1-4 months.
STEP 7 – Do not exceed the daily treatment time as that may cause muscle fatigue.
STEP 8 – The treatment is completely natural and does not involve the use of any kind of medicine. Pelvix is made of medical-grade silicone, which is hypoallergenic and biotolerable.
- PELVIX > 19,5 gr
- PELVIX + Ball Ø15mm > 29 gr
- PELVIX + Ball Ø18mm > 37 gr
- PELVIX + Ball Ø15mm + Ball Ø18mm > 46,5 gr
- PELVIX + Ball Ø22mm > 54,5 gr
HYGIENE – Wash before and after each use with neutral soap and allow it to dry in the air. Keep it in its case until the next use. Only use your own (to prevent the risk of contagion)
PRECAUTIONS – Keep out of reach of children. This is not a toy and contains small parts.