
Articles  Hot Sex Positions For A Handjob

Hot Sex Positions For A Handjob

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A handjob can actually be a sexy thing to give to your partner. Here are some fun sex positions to try when you want to give your partner some manual love.

It’s important to find a comfortable place for both you and your partner before embarking on a handjob. How do you know what is the right position? Experiment! You and your partner should work with different positions until you both find something comfortable.

Facing Each Other

He’ll love to see the look on your face as you pl

Articles  7 Oral Sex Tips That Will Have Her SCREAMING Your Name!

7 Oral Sex Tips That Will Have Her SCREAMING Your Name!

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Oral sex is probably one of the easiest – and best – ways to make a woman orgasm. If you’re not skilled at cunnilingus and there’s another guy who is – even if you’re better looking – the other guy will win out again and again. So shape up your game with these seven oral sex tips – they are hotter than hot!

Slow Pressure

Make your tongue as broad and as flat as you can. Put pressure on her Articles  Teach Your Man To Give You An Orgasm – In 1 EASY Move!

Teach Your Man To Give You An Orgasm – In 1 EASY Move!

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Oral sex is hard for a guy to learn – or so you thought. You’ve been with guys that don’t know how to go down on you, and you’ve tried to show him the way but to no avail. Are these men a lost cause? Not hardly! Here’s how to show a guy how to make you have an orgasm, with one simple trick!

Tell Him You Wish You Could Give Yourself Oral Sex

The idea of licking your own Articles  Lelo Black Friday Sale 25% off + Free Shipping!

Articles  Jade Egg Essentials program by Saida Desilets

Jade Egg Essentials program by Saida Desilets

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Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
Jade Egg Essentials program by Saida Desilets

I have written lots in the past about the importance of exercising your vagina (aka doing kegels) so that you can maximize your orgasmic potential, pleasure and desire.  Well, my friend and colleague Saida...

Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
Jade Egg Essentials program by Saida Desilets

Articles  How To Get Her To Love Rough Sex

How To Get Her To Love Rough Sex

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Rough sex can be one of the most intense sexual experiences for any couple. This type of sexual play is not only a stress reducer, it can bring your closer to your partner. It must be mentioned that rough sex doesn’t have to be about whips and chains, although it can be, it is mainly about the emotional side of domination and fantasy. There is a barrage of ways that you can pleasure your partner through rough sex.

But what if your girl doesn’t like this type of activity in the bedroom? Here are a few ways that you can get her to love rough sex w

Articles  What Your Kiss Says About You

What Your Kiss Says About You

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Kissing is as unique as your fingerprint. What do your techniques reveal about YOUR personality?

Kissing is a part of every relationship. But what does your kiss really say about you? You can tell a lot about somebody by the way that they do it. What you do with your hands, if you keep your eyes open and how long you kiss your partner are all tells of your personality. When you are kissing your partner, you should be aware of how you come across. If you have no idea what it says about you, read on. Here is a guide on how kissing can reflect your personality.


Do you kiss with your eyes open? Most peop

Articles  Oralicious Ultimate Oral Sex Cream 2 oz –  Cherry

Oralicious Ultimate Oral Sex Cream 2 oz – Cherry

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Oralicious Ultimate Oral Sex Cream 2 oz – Cherry

Spread it on and Lick it off. Bring your partner to new euphoric heights with this tasty & tantalizing Oral sex cream. Experience erotic sensations beyond your wildest dreams! 2 oz. tube
Lubes & Lotions > Oral Sex
Articles  BJ Blast

BJ Blast

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BJBlast-Main (Copy)

It’s finally here! The world’s only fizzing, popping, bursting, and exploding ORAL SEX CANDY! Just sprinkle some in your mouth and go down for the ride of their life.

Intimate Tickles welcomes this great post from Tickle Toy Parties
Sent To Us By Storme
From The Category Adult Romance
Articles  6 Ways to deal with a woman hitting on your man

6 Ways to deal with a woman hitting on your man

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Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
6 Ways to deal with a woman hitting on your man

Do you agree that if something angers you it conquers you? This is a truth stated by 20th century Australian nurse Elizabeth Kenny. Still, when something important is at stake, how does one react...

Posted from – Sex Toy Reviews
6 Ways to deal with a woman hitting on your man

Articles  Rabbit Dancer – White

Rabbit Dancer – White

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Rabbit Dancer – White

This waterproof pocket vibe comes with an extra bonus of a soft, rabbit -shaped elastomer sleeve. The rabbit diffuses the ‘buzz’ for a softer feel, and ears provide more tickle. The angle of the ears makes this toy great for partner sex since the ears face down and inward when the Rab

Articles  13 Brand New Ways To Make Her Thighs Quiver

13 Brand New Ways To Make Her Thighs Quiver

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Sex for a woman is often less pleasurable than it is for men, simply because it’s harder for a girl to orgasm. It takes a lot more foreplay to get a woman to warm up enough to even get close to orgasm, and many guys just don’t last that long. Either that, or they don’t have the skills to bring a girl to climax. Either way, you can use these sex tips to rev your partner’s engine and make your lover come.

Lick And Suck The Labia

Often, men either go for the vaginal canal itself or the clitoris when giving a girl Articles  4 Red Hot Hotel Sex Fantasies That Will Re-Ignite Your Sex Life!

4 Red Hot Hotel Sex Fantasies That Will Re-Ignite Your Sex Life!

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Hotel sex is always on fire! There’s just something about hotel sex that makes it hotter, naughtier and leaves you gasping for breath – a certain je ne sais quois. If sex with your lover has become boring and unfulfilling (for either of you), head to your nearest lodge to act out these incredibly juicy hotel sex fantasies tonight!

Honeymoon Sex

Imagine how great the sex was on your honeymoon. Wasn’t it fantastic? Re-create that by booking a room (preferably the honeymoon suite or similar) i

Articles  7 Sex Secrets Men Don’t Want You To Know!

7 Sex Secrets Men Don’t Want You To Know!

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Sex for a guy is something we all think we have figured out – but the truth is, fellas may surprise us. Here’s what guys think about sex that may shock you.

He DOES Like Cuddling After Sex!

While guys are pre-programmed to roll over and go to sleep after having sex, they don’t necessarily always want to do just that. In fact, he does like to cuddle every now and then, especially if he

Articles  Four Stereotypical Female Characters that Do Not Actually Exist…

Four Stereotypical Female Characters that Do Not Actually Exist…

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strong womanFrom scratch, you can remember numerous stereotypical characteristics of girls. Some of them are related to actual females, others just exaggerate prototypical qualities. Pop culture has created lots and lots of female characters that have no connection to the real world. Somehow, most of them have found their place in our minds. Our gorgeous friends from Ukrainian Dating Site helped us formulate the most common female characters that do not exist in a pure form.

Articles  The Best Sex Positions To Make A Woman Orgasm Quicker

The Best Sex Positions To Make A Woman Orgasm Quicker

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Most any woman is able to orgasm quickly when she’s being fondled during penetration. Sensations from penetration and fondling combine, leading to an intense orgasm that will leave her stunned. So where should a man touch a woman to get her off fast? Some women prefer breast stroking, while some women like torrid kissing, but the true secret to a quick orgasm is clitoral touching during sex.

However, doing this is easier said than done. The usual sex positions (like missionary) require you to use

Articles  What Modern Girls Really Look for in Men

What Modern Girls Really Look for in Men

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Love and family are the greatest values of our life. People seek each other, and sometimes it takes much time to find the one that fits you perfectly. We asked our gorgeous friends from Romance Compass – online ukrainian dating site about what kind of features they look for in men. Clearly, you should not adapt yourself to this list, but it might help you become more attractive to women.

1. Maturity. If a girl seeks a long-term relationship, she is probably interested in a cert

Articles  4 Common Reasons People Have Affairs (and How to Recover Afterward)

4 Common Reasons People Have Affairs (and How to Recover Afterward)

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As a sexual empowerment coach, I get to hear a lot about people’s private sexual lives and the things they don’t usually talk about—not even to their partners. Many people have come out to me as having had affairs. I can often hear their voices shake a little in wanting to tell the truth, to let it out, hoping they will be met with some understanding for why they made the choices they made. I let them know that I don’t judge them. I think sometimes people have affairs for good reasons and positive things can come out of them, though it’s not the best way to manage the issues in their curr

Articles  Ice Creme Cherry Berry 2Oz

Ice Creme Cherry Berry 2Oz

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Ice Creme Cherry Berry 2Oz

Ice Creme is a flavored sex cream with a delicious flavor and a tingling, cooling sensation that will have you begging for more.

Especially suited to giving arousing sensations to nipples, or as a delicious twist to oral sex on a partner, a little goes a long way! Available in three delicious flavors: tropical Cool Colada, sweet Strawberry, and tangy Cherr

Articles  “Bad Girl” Sex Tips That Will Blow His Mind

“Bad Girl” Sex Tips That Will Blow His Mind

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You’re a nice girl in real life, but that doesn’t have to extend to the bedroom. Nor should it. You don’t have to be a bad girl, just screw like one. Bad girls are masters at blowing the male mind (and other parts). Here are some bad girl sex tips you nice girls can use to blow his mind just as well as any bad girl out there.

Here Are Her “Bad Girl Sex Tips”

Guys are simple creatures! They wear their “hard on” on their sleeve! They lose the ability to speak when they see a boobie or even hear someone say boobie. It does not take much to blow his mind, and I by no means

Articles  The days for traditional weddings are numbered

The days for traditional weddings are numbered

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According to a survey among 500 engaged couples in the UK, the traditional weddings are becoming less and less popular and if the trend continues, might be totally out of our minds very soon. My Voucher Codes asked 500 couples the question “Would you like to have a traditional white wedding?” The results reveal that only 20 percent of them would actually like a white wedding while 44% definitely don’t want a traditional white wedding.

So why have the traditional wedding

Articles  4 Most Common Reasons for a Breakup

4 Most Common Reasons for a Breakup

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Karlie Love is in the air. Sometimes it abruptly disappears into thin air. Not every couple can explain what happen to their passion and where everything started to go wrong. A breakup is something no one ever liked but it eventually becomes the only possible solution to move on. So don’t be distressed and just live through this. With the help of our gorgeous friends from Brides Stars, we have gathered four most common reasons for a breakup. Some of them are rather conventional while others might surprise you. B

Articles  3 Things All Men Need To Know About The G-Spot

3 Things All Men Need To Know About The G-Spot

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If there’s one topic about sexual health which is controversial, that is none other than the female G-spot. Some experts say that there is such a thing as a G-spot which brings a woman earth-shattering orgasms when stimulated. However, there’s this other part of the spectrum wherein skeptics say that the G-spot does not even exist. Tantric sex practitioners believe that this ‘sacred’ spot is like the Holy Grail when it comes to the Articles  Vac-U-Lock Silicone Ball Gag Black

Vac-U-Lock Silicone Ball Gag Black

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Vac-U-Lock Silicone Ball Gag Black

Vac-U-Lock Black Ball Gag. Take your playtime to the next level. Submission meets action in this dual function ball gag designed for the worlds first fully interchangeable strap-on and accessory system. The patented Vac-U-Lock plug end is compatible with any Vac-U-Lock attachment for pleasuring partners, while the soft silicone ball is formed with indent

Articles  How to deal with her seeing someone else

How to deal with her seeing someone else

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Believe me. I know this feeling. You can’t eat, sleep or function throughout your day and the thought of them being intimate with someone else is agonizing.

The good news: you aren’t alone. Others have gone through the exact same feeling you are having and have come out alive. There’s nothing special about your relationship that means you can’t come out of this either. You will not die. Just hang tight and read on.

First, realize that whoever they are seeing, they are more than likely a rebound. A rebound, b

Articles  Her Checklist for the First Date

Her Checklist for the First Date

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First dates come with both anxiety and excitement. You’re excited to meet a new person. Even if you aren’t sure if the connection will lead to a long-term relationship, you value opportunities to expand your social circle. However, before you leave the house, make sure you are prepared with the following to ensure a successful evening.

Your Personality

On first dates, people often try to act in ways that they normally don’t, which just creates a false impression of their persona. Don&

Articles  The secret to making a long distance relationship work

The secret to making a long distance relationship work

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Ok, let me be brutally honest here.

Without compromise your attempt at a long distance relationship (LDR) will fail. The real secret to making a LDR work is by learning to lose some battles and being OK with that.

After having done a long distance relationship for a number of years in the past, I’ve come to the conclusion that although it is possible, there are a few adjustments and realizations you need to make in order for it to work.

Start by forgetting everything you have read so far on a LDR not being not possible. I’m living

Articles  On Pointe

On Pointe

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Sinful Sunday logo

The idea for this photo came to me a few weeks ago when I first discovered that the Sinful Sunday prompt for July was ‘chair’, but as it’s a shot I couldn’t achieve alone I had to put it off and wait until I had a suitable camera assistant. Even then it was a little difficult to get the shot, out of around 50 frames there was only one that picked up the pose and the chair and was actually in focus… but as things often are with creative pursuits – it evolved into something else.


Articles  Tips For Men About Dating

Tips For Men About Dating

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6Dating has always been and will continue to be a complicated process. Where should you go for your date? What should you wear? Who should pay for the date? These are all good questions but can be very confusing. Here are some great tips for men by Natasha Dating Site that women have brought forward.


First Impressions Are Extremely Important:

Women expect you to look your best when taking her out on the town. Being well groomed, clean and donning clean clothes will give a great first impre

Articles  LELO Ina Wave – Sex Toy Review

LELO Ina Wave – Sex Toy Review

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Over the past few years there have been many innovations in the sex toy arena and the LELO Ina Wave™ is certainly one of them. Designed to mimic the ‘come hither’ gesture of a human finger, the same motion a finger might make in order to stimulate a womans G-Spot. the Ina Wave™ is touted as being the “First dual-action stimulator that surges and plunges within you”. Whilst I’m not certain that I would use those words to best describe it, it is certainly a unique and brand new sensation that I’m sure many others will try to imitate.

The Important Info

Articles  5 Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life!

5 Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life!

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So many couples think about hot sex all the time, but when it comes to the big show, they are total duds in bed. If your partner is rolling their eyes every time you try to please, you need to handle the problem quickly. If you have heard from your partner that they are bored and tired of the “same old sex”, it’s probably time to step out of your comfort zone. Here are 5 ways to spice up your sex life!

Live Out Your Fantasies

Everybody has fantasies. If you find yourself in a sexual rut, consider living out a few of your fantasies to get your juices flowing ag

Articles  How Being ‘Nice’ In Bed Is MEAN To Your Girl!

How Being ‘Nice’ In Bed Is MEAN To Your Girl!

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Sex tips can take you from being “ho hum” in the sack to being incredible! Here are some great sex tips on how to be the ALPHA MALE she really wants!

It always amazes me at just how many men think that the key to giving a woman great sex is to just be sweet in the bedroom. I’m talking about asking her what she wants, asking her how she is doing, asking her if she’s “there” yet, so on and so forth.

Well fellas, have I got some news for you –

Women are not attracted to WUSSIES in the bedroom!

No sir! We don’t want a guy who as

Articles  Are You Naughty Enough To Try These Bad-Girl Only Moves?

Are You Naughty Enough To Try These Bad-Girl Only Moves?

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Sex tips can help good girls go naughty and your man will LOVE it! Are you bad enough to try these kinky sex tips?

Every good girl knows that bad girls have the best sex ever. Every man loves a bad girl, just like girls love bad boys. But the reality of being with one or being one isn’t as good as the fantasy. So if you’re a good girl, what can you take from bad girls to spice up your life? I’ve got some bad girl only sex moves, but can you handle them? Are you ready to get that naughty?

Articles  Vac-U-Lock Black Ball Strap Plug Black

Vac-U-Lock Black Ball Strap Plug Black

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Vac-U-Lock Black Ball Strap Plug Black

Vac-U-Lock Black Ball Gag. Take your playtime to the next level. Submission meets action in this dual function ball gag designed for the world’s first fully interchangeable strap-on and accessory system. The patented Vac-U-Lock plug end is compatible with any Vac-U-Lock attachment for pleasu

Articles  The 7 Best Foreplay Moves To Really Turn Her On

The 7 Best Foreplay Moves To Really Turn Her On

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Women are complicated creatures!  There is no one foreplay move that works on all women nor do all women like the same things!  What worked for your last girl might not work with your current girl – and that can be super frustrating if all you want to do is please her. (Oh, and that should be your main goal).

Although women are all different, here are some foreplay tips at work for most women most of the time…

Foreplay Tip #1 – Worship Her

You can do this anytime, all the time.  Make h

Articles  Ice Creme Cool Colada 2Oz

Ice Creme Cool Colada 2Oz

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Ice Creme Cool Colada 2Oz

Ice Creme is a flavored sex cream with a delicious flavor and a tingling, cooling sensation that will have you begging for more. Especially suited to giving arousing sensations to nipples, or as a delicious twist to oral sex on a partner, a little goes a long way! Available in three delicious flavors: tropical Cool Colada, sweet Strawberry, and tangy Cherry Berry

Articles  Jo Oral Delight – Cherry Burst 1oz.

Jo Oral Delight – Cherry Burst 1oz.

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Jo Oral Delight – Cherry Burst 1oz.

Flavored cooling gel enhances oral pleasure for both partners with a cooling sensation that invigorates and refreshes. 1 oz. spray bottle. Cherry Burst.

Lubes & Lotions > Oral Sex
Articles  Should I delete my ex from social media? (with scripts)

Should I delete my ex from social media? (with scripts)

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social mediaIt’s the weekend. The weather is literally perfect and the sun is rising. You have your warm coffee next to you. You’re checking your emails, feeling refreshed and ready to start your day, but you decide to check Facebook one last time before you close your computer and then you see it…

Your ex just posted a picture from last night with her friends and some guy in the background that you don’t know. You start to wonder who he is, if maybe that’s why you aren’t together. You begin to question whether you were good enou

Articles  Sponsored Posts

Sponsored Posts

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After being ripped off and fucked over by no less than 5 affiliate programs I found myself re-thinking whether or not I would accept money for a sponsored blog post. I have a slight un-ease with it as I fear people will think my opinion can be bought – but the truth is it can’t. My morals can’t be swayed, my opinion can’t be bought and my integrity is more important to me than anything money can buy.

If it’s generally accepted within the sex toy reviewing blogging community that it’s perfectly ok to earn money via affiliate links within reviews and it is accepted that any such possible earnings won’t i

Articles  Oral Pleasure Mints Cherry Bomb Warming

Oral Pleasure Mints Cherry Bomb Warming

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Oral Pleasure Mints Cherry Bomb Warming

Oral Pleasure Mints Cherry Bomb Warming

Spice up your head with this fun new oral sensation in a cute, pocket sized tin. Pop one in and let the tingeling begin!

Approximately 40 mints.

Lubes & Lotions > Oral Sex
Articles  Rock Her Black Vibrator

Rock Her Black Vibrator

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Rock Her Black Vibrator

Rock Her Black Rocket Style Body Massager features very powerful Vibro Tec Motors. Includes 4 different surfaces silicone caps. Silky smooth feel.The Rock Her is a classic vibe! Coming back in style! Not only is it great for beginners, it is a must have staple in any toy collection. Rock Her is discreet in size and delivers amazing power! Rock Her is equipped with a motor that has the perfect speed we like call the rock your world. This high vibration setting

Articles  Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb

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CherryBomb (Copy)

Sensual Enhancement for Women…Unexpected Delight for Your Partner! This kissable female arousal crème is a unique formula that enhances clitoral excitement and intensifies orgasmic pleasure. Arouses and heightens sexual desires with a tingly cool, yet warm sensation. 1oz pump bottle. (FORMERLY CLEOPATRA)

Intimate Tickles welcomes this great post from Tickle Toy Parti

Articles  Orgasm Dilemma – What To Do If You Can’t Have One & Your Guy Gave Up

Orgasm Dilemma – What To Do If You Can’t Have One & Your Guy Gave Up

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An orgasm isn’t always easy for a man to give, and he can quickly get discouraged if he can’t find a “formula” to get you over the top in what he views as a reasonable period of time. But should you just forget about ever reaching orgasm during sex at all? And is it really only up to him to learn how to give you pleasure?

A Woman’s Orgasm

It’s not easy to make a woman orgasm, and unfortunately, many guys give up before they’ve ever

Articles  8 Ways To Have “Vacation” Sex – TONIGHT!

8 Ways To Have “Vacation” Sex – TONIGHT!

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Sex is always better when you’re on a trip, right? Why. Several reasons actually – here’s how to re-create super hot vacay sex right now!

Clean Up The Bedroom – Or The Whole House

Hotels and vacation resorts are almost always clean – at least, cleaner than your house after the kids have ran through it. Stepping into a perfectly clean hotel room at the start of your vacation is always relaxing, and sets the mood for great nookie later. After all, it is hard to have erotic Articles  LELO Dare Me Pleasure Set Giveaway

LELO Dare Me Pleasure Set Giveaway

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Win some LELO Pleasure ObjectsLELO dare me pleasure set

One of my favourite things I get to do as a blogger is to give away free stuff and to help me celebrate a couple of recent milestones the lovely people from LELO are sponsoring this giveaway where you could win yourself your very own Dare Me Pleasure set which retails for $149au.

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