
The Adult Romance Consultant Finder  See Shell Play

See Shell Play

Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested Published: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 15:32:23 +0000 View Original Article [unable to retrieve full-text content] Welcome to Intimate Tickles presented by Chantelle of New York, the only place to find your exclusive Intimate Tickles romance consultant, the best of the best. The post See Shell Play appeared first…

Relationships Toolbox  Sexual Interest in Relationships:  Navigating the Range Between “Low-to-No” and “High”

Sexual Interest in Relationships: Navigating the Range Between “Low-to-No” and “High”

Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested Published: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 19:55:44 +0000 View Original Article Richard Nicastro, PhD digs deeper into the important relationship dynamic of sexual interest.  While acknowledging the normalcy of an imbalance, he suggests the shortest route to a solution that works for both couples is understanding and empathy for…

Relationships Matter  Aug  5, Make them love you again. Experts tips, advice, videos, free downloads

Aug 5, Make them love you again. Experts tips, advice, videos, free downloads

Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested Published: Sat, 05 Aug 2017 11:02:24 +0000 View Original Article Author: Elly Prior | First published: 05-08-2017 | Modified: 20-10-2017 You want your partner happy with you, I know. We’re halfway through looking at some of the reasons your relationship might be on the rocks. You’re worried that your…

Love And Health  Gottman Method Couples Therapy Established as Evidence-Based Treatment for Same-Sex Couples

Gottman Method Couples Therapy Established as Evidence-Based Treatment for Same-Sex Couples

Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested Published: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 21:04:55 +0000 View Original Article In 2007, Alapaki Yee and I were two years into our relationship. What most people don’t know is that when you’re dating another therapist, you like to surprise each other with continuing education. Romantic, I know. Couples can…

Love And Sex  Women Reveal The Specific Movements That Make Them Orgasm

Women Reveal The Specific Movements That Make Them Orgasm

Intimate Tickles Thought You Might Be Interested Published: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 20:39:36 +0000 Women Reveal The Specific Movements That Make Them Orgasm The study was published in July 2017 by researchers from Indiana University in partnership with OMGYes, an online interactive learning tool that teaches users about female pleasure. Researchers conducted the national online…

Articles  Sex Tips – A Quick Lesson On Female Anatomy

Sex Tips – A Quick Lesson On Female Anatomy

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Intimate touching is more than just humping until you are done. You need to explore a woman’s body and find out which spots are most susceptible to kissing, licking and fondling. It’s not true that women need more to get aroused. In fact, women are more likely to get turned on faster than men. It’s difficult to believe, but it’s true. You just have to find her erogenous zones, and discover how to touch those areas properly.

Don’t rush touching your wife or girlfriend everywhere whenever you can. Sex starts by exploring with your hands, followed by your lips and tongue. You

Blog  Love, Sex and Relationship Problems

Love, Sex and Relationship Problems

Love, Sex and Relationship Problems It may sound seriously unromantic to think of your heart as a targeted consumer, but the advent of love as commerce is upon us. From legitimate online dating sites and apps that promise to help you find the perfect match, to professional wingman services that will create your profile or…

Blog  Open Letter to Rupert Murdoch

Open Letter to Rupert Murdoch

Open Letter to Rupert Murdoch Dear Mr Rupert Murdoch I am the woman who was a guest on Fox news and was sexually harassed by your employee, Mr. Bill O’Reilly in 2013. You may be aware that my attorney, Lisa Bloom, and I have spent a few days in London speaking with members of the…

Articles  7 Tips For Mind-Blowing Sex When You're Feeling Beyond Lazy

7 Tips For Mind-Blowing Sex When You’re Feeling Beyond Lazy

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In my opinion, women can have it all — whatever they want to have, that is: a career, babies, no babies, friendships, marriage, polyamory in lieu of marriage, girls-only orgies, whatever. The one catch? When it comes to sex, when your schedule involves a 6:30 a.m. cycling class and concludes with 9 p.m. dinner reservations, finding the energy to have sex after a long day often seems harder than getting up after the third press of the snooze button.

You know the feeling: You’ve finally gotten home and flopped down on your bed, half-asleep, thinking “Yeah, I could have sex right now, but I don’t feel like

Articles  Why It Matters That Sex Workers Were At The Women’s March In D.C.

Why It Matters That Sex Workers Were At The Women’s March In D.C.

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When Lorelei Lee texted me days after the presidential election to ask if I would join a chartered bus to Washington D.C. to protest the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, I knew there was no better way for me to experience the sure-to-be-historic day. Lorelei and I have done sex work together for many years, tormenting the men who opened their wallets for us in East Bay dungeons and shoving vibrators on each other in San Francisco porno palaces. She’s the kind of adult film legend who mobilizes her fans to donate hundreds of dollars to

Articles  The Perfect Relationship

The Perfect Relationship

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Perfect=free of flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings; An ideal situation. Something perceived as perfect is relative and subject to the eye of the beholder. Therefore, what is perfect for me maybe not be perfect for you. Since something perfect is completely dependent on individual’s opinion, when used to describe a general standard for a relationship, it is completely irrational.

Now that the definition of perfect is established, allow me to reiterate that a perfect relationship does not exist. “Tell me something I don’t know,” you may s

Articles  How To Maintain Long-Distance Relationships

How To Maintain Long-Distance Relationships

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Let’s face it: Long-distance relationships can be rough.

If you’ve been there, you know it all too well. It’s difficult to balance your friendships and your career with any romantic relationship, let alone one in which you don’t get to see the other person whenever you want. Plus, while romantic relationships can be wonderfully fulfilling, they’re work as it is. Factor in time differences, busy schedules, and miles apart, and you could really start feeling the strain.

But, thanks to technology, maintaining a LDR these days is easier than ever. Though IRL face time is o

Articles  Financial Infidelity

Financial Infidelity

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Weddings rings and large bills of money

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Whats yours is mine and whats mine is mine?”
This type of thinking is the stem of many financial problems in relationships. Many people in relationships adapt the idea “I work hard for my money so I do with it as I please.” However, not telling your partner what you do with your money is what I refer to as Financial Infidelity.

We are seriously living in a time when both men and women in relationships ar

Articles  Befriend your Ex through social media…Yes/No?

Befriend your Ex through social media…Yes/No?

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Social media is evolving and its obvious that it now has a strong impact on our romantic relationships. Whether it’s in a positive or negative way, the effects of social media has definitively changed the way we experience our romantic relationships. Social media has facilitated the intertwining of our past relationships with our current ones. You are probably wondering what I mean by that. I’m referring to the easy accessibility social media gives us to our EXs. With that being said, being friends with your EX is probably not the smartest thing to do especial

Articles  Deception


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In my post 10 Things That Love Is, I listed Honesty  as a representation of love. We all want to believe that the person we are in a romantic relationship with is completely honest with us. However, Mark L Knapp, a renown author and professor of Communications, states that it is not uncommon that people even in close relationships are likely to be in situations in which honesty will not be practiced. Believe it or not, deception plays a complex role in romantic relationships.

Articles  Guest Blog: Never lose yourself in your relationship

Guest Blog: Never lose yourself in your relationship

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When we are in a healthy relationship it feels like the best thing in the world. Having someone there that we can confide in, and share special memories with makes us feel like we’re on cloud nine. But, how healthy is the relationship? One thing I’ve noticed with relationships is one person tends to forget about him or herself. They get so caught up in making their partner happy, that they stop doing what makes them happy.

There is nothing wrong with putting your all into a relationship, but often we stop doing what made that person fa

Articles  Falling in Love

Falling in Love

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Science does not play a big role in the subject of love. Some researchers recognize love as a reality while others consider it to be a fantasized construct to give a meaningless life meaning. The renown Harvard sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, in his book The Ways and Power of Love explains: “Sensate minds disbelieve in the power of love. It appears to us something illusionary. We call it self-deception, the opiate of people’s minds, idealistic bosh, unscientific delusion.”

My post focuses on this

Articles  Keeping Your Ex At A Distance

Keeping Your Ex At A Distance

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I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is having trouble keeping his ex at a distance. His ex doesn’t seem to understand the concept of breaking up and she has become a nuisance to him and his NEW relationship. She constantly calls to have small talk and to make matters worse, she revealed her goal of trying to mend things between the two to hopefully get him back. I understand she might be going through the painful and unpleasant stage of the breakup, but ce

Articles  This State Wants To Require Sexual Assault Victims To "Corroborate"

This State Wants To Require Sexual Assault Victims To “Corroborate”

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Photo: Elise Amendola/AP Photo

A controversial bill has been introduced in New Hampshire that would require sexual assault victims to corroborate their testimony if the accused had no prior convictions, ABC News reports. Those in support of the bill feel this will prevent wrongful convictions and false accusations, while those in opposition feel it’s tantamount to giving pedophiles and rapists a get out of ja

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