Badass feminist friends are, arguably, the best kind of friends. And that means badass feminist gifts are, arguably, the best kind of gifts.
While we know that feminism is so much more than wearing a “The Future Is Female” T-shirt or writing in a “feminist rants” notebook, wearing your opinions on your sleeve (literally) can be a great way to feel powerful and start conversations with like-minded people. And outwardly paying homage to gender equality might even encourage your uninitiated friends and acquaintances to pick your brain on the topic.
So, if you are lucky enough to have some awesome friends of the feminist variety, but aren’t quite sure what to get them for the holidays, you’ve come to the right place. Ahead, 32 gifts perfect for that person in your life who’s always killing the game and taking shit from no one. And while you’re at it, treat yourself to an item or two on this list. You deserve it.

If you and your BFF are as close as Ilana and Abbi, these pins are perfect for a holiday gift swap.
Raising Two Jays, $3.47, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Feminist from head to toe, NBD.
Feminist Apparel, $11.95, available at Feminist ApparelPhoto: Courtesy of Feminist Apparel.

Life is better with some Audre Lorde wisdom.
Zazzle, $12.60, available at ZazzlePhoto: Courtesy of Zazzle.

Is your pal into statements and jewelry, but not so much statement jewelry? These studs may be small, but they send the message that you’re not to be messed with.
MistyAurora, $18.10, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Do your friends (and the world) a favor and spread the wisdom and badassery of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk, “We Should All Be Feminists,” as widely as possible. Seriously, just do it.
Anchor Paper Co., $7.15, available at Strand BooksPhoto: Courtesy of The Strand.

We’re all in need of body-positive reminders sometimes, and what better way than putting one on the back of the device that’s practically attached to your hand?
Rachele Cateyes, $36.45, available at RedbubblePhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Theagenda, $22.00, available at Society6Photo: Courtesy of Society6.

These iconic tees went viral for a reason — if your feminist bud doesn’t own one yet, this gift is a pretty safe bet.
Otherwild, $30.00, available at OtherwildPhoto: Courtesy of Otherwild.

Feminist Apparel, $44.95, available at Feminist ApparelPhoto: Courtesy of Feminist Apparel.

If you love the “The Future Is Female” T-shirts, but have always been secretly hoping for a more inclusive version, here’s your chance. This shirt is perfect for the person in your life who knows that gender is a spectrum, not a binary.
Cardinahl + Dahl, $35.00, available at Cardinahl + DahlPhoto: Courtesy of Cardinahl + Dahl.

For that friend who has their eye on the midterm elections.
Wicked Clothes, $24.00, available at Wicked ClothesPhoto: Courtesy of Wicked Clothes.

Because who doesn’t want some ‘90s punk vibes to spice up their holiday-season attire?
ModernGirlBlitz, $18.00, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Honestly, we couldn’t have put it better than the folks at ThugzMaison did:
“god·dess [god-is] 1. a female god or deity who does it, does it, and does it well. 2. Audre&Gloria&Angela&bell.”
ThugzMaison, $25.00, available at ThugzMaisonPhoto: Courtesy of ThugzMaison.

Pin it to a backpack or denim jacket — this is a perfect gift for your male-tear-drinking BFF.
SayonaraBaby, $6.01, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Or, if your BFF is more into burning male tears than drinking them, this candle will do the trick.
EttaArlene, $8.99, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

I AIN’T SORRY, and your fierce feminist friend won’t be either while wearing this Bey-utiful hat.
Beyoncé, $36.00, available at BeyoncéPhoto: Courtesy of Shop.Beyoncé.Com.

Boobs can be soft. Pillows can be soft. A great combo, no?
Gravel & Gold, $75.00, available at Gravel + GoldPhoto: Courtesy of Gravel & Gold.

Not all feminists love cats, but there’s an interesting correlation here that’s too strong to ignore. This shirt says “back off” in the fuzziest, most adorable way.
Feminist Apparel, $29.95, available at Feminist ApparelPhoto: Courtesy of Feminist Apparel.

Female friendship is undoubtedly one of the most magical things in life, so make a point to remind your besties that they are feminist art.
Modern Women, $16.00, available at OtherwildPhoto: Courtesy of Otherwild.

Speaking of female friendship, this blanket is the ultimate celebration of GRL PWR.
Cactei, $49.00, available at Society6Photo: Courtesy of Society 6.

All hail.
NightingaleDesigns2, $5.50, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

This shirt is for that one person who keeps the whole friend group in check — and isn’t afraid to spill some Kimberlé Crenshaw-inspired truth tea.
djenneba, $34.00, available at SkreenedPhoto: Courtesy of Skreened.

It’s Rosie the Riveter 2.0, and we’re so here for it.
Cosmic Medium, $30.00, available at Cosmic MediumPhoto: Courtesy of Cosmic Medium.

Get matching shirts for your whole crew for some next-level girl gang action.
VCNT, $14.00, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

We’re obsessed with this collection from A to Z. These feminist hero totes are an easy choice for a super rad gift — the hard part is picking a letter.
GrowWildStudio, $50.00, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Beyoncé, $58.00, available at BeyoncéPhoto: Courtesy of Shop.Beyoncé.com.

Say no to heteronormativity. Say yes to this incredible shirt.
Otherwild, $36.00, available at OtherwildPhoto: Courtesy of Otherwild.

Now your Sylvia Plath-obsessed friend can wear The Bell Jar at all times.
Out of Print, $30.00, available at Out of PrintPhoto: Courtesy of Out of Print.

Nasty women, strong through good times and bad.
BootsTees, $16.95, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

This made-to-order embroidery is perfect for letting the girl bosses in your life know that you appreciate that they’re out there doing their thang.
RedWorkStitches, $57.00, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Feminism + Cyndi Lauper = a gift-giving match made in heaven.
Feminist Apparel, $29.95, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

It’s no secret that we’re anti-diet here at R29, so go ahead and join the party with this offbeat, body-positive art print.
TheEscapistArtist, $5.00, available at EtsyPhoto: Courtesy of Etsy.

Your unapologetic, vagina-celebrating pal will be all about these charm necklaces.
Tuza, $155.00, available at OtherwildPhoto: Courtesy of Otherwild.

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