Articles  How Being ‘Nice’ In Bed Is MEAN To Your Girl!

How Being ‘Nice’ In Bed Is MEAN To Your Girl!

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Sex tips can take you from being “ho hum” in the sack to being incredible! Here are some great sex tips on how to be the ALPHA MALE she really wants!

It always amazes me at just how many men think that the key to giving a woman great sex is to just be sweet in the bedroom. I’m talking about asking her what she wants, asking her how she is doing, asking her if she’s “there” yet, so on and so forth.

Well fellas, have I got some news for you –

Women are not attracted to WUSSIES in the bedroom!

No sir! We don’t want a guy who asks us what to do and takes orders like a puppy. We want a man who isn’t afraid to pin us down and throw us around and literally ROCK our worlds!

Now, I’m not saying you should be a “jerk” when you are having sex, I but I DO mean that you need to be authoritative and IN CHARGE! This definitely extends to your dating and relationship life as well, but for the purpose of  rapid sexual improvement, I want to show you right now how to use authority in the bedroom and LEAD your woman to stronger orgasms!

It’s All About Being A Man

You see, when you start asking questions and catering to your woman, her sexual attraction towards you instantly shuts off. I don’t mean to get too ” biological” on you, but think about this – women are naturally drawn to men who are leaders and protectors. In caveman days, woman would go after the strongest man, the leader of the tribe. A.K.A. – the guy who would hunt down the prey and clobber any enemies.

I know, I know, your mother and your sister tell you you should be courteous to women. And you should! But in the bedroom, what we REALLY want is the same guy that in the caveman days would be leading the hunt.

How To Take Charge

  • Tell us how turned on you are
  • Doing us HARD! (there, I said it!)
  • Using sex positions in which you have TOTAL CONTROL! Such as “doggy style” (which is often our favorite position – we love it because we feel like we are being “taken”!)
  • Having us go down on you and be there for YOUR pleasure!

I’m in no way saying make your woman do anything she isn’t comfortable with (that goes for you too).

But what I AM saying is your woman is going to be most turned on when you:

  • Do not ask what position to use and INSTEAD grab and her put her into it!
  • Lightly pull her hair during doggy style and give her ass a little slap.
  • Talk dirty on occasion and ravish her – and yes tell her what panties to wear!
  • Set up romantic evenings that you plan without asking her what she wants (Here’s a hint: “Romance” is her feeling that YOU know what she wants EVEN BETTER than she does)

The whole point of this note is to open your eyes that when you stop being “too sweet” to your woman in bed, and start taking authority and taking CONTROL, you will be pleasantly surprised by how much she likes it… AND how much easier it is for her to have intense, mind-blowing orgasms!

Watch Her Be Completely Submissive To You!

Once you start, don’t be surprised if SHE takes it the next level by telling you to do her harder, or being COMPLETELY submissive to you and even having an orgasm on your command! The next step is trying this stuff out – you won’t know just how powerful it is until you start doing it!

The post How Being ‘Nice’ In Bed Is MEAN To Your Girl! appeared first on Ask Dan and Jennifer.

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