Articles  The Intimate Needs of Plants

The Intimate Needs of Plants

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Articles  The Intimate Needs of Plants

(Photo shown above image from designboom shows vibrations to the cyclamen plant to release its pollen to allow for reproduction)


Vibrators and Contraception For Plants

Plants are living, breathing and reproductive organisms that apparently can also benefit from vibrations! A team of designers and scientists at PSX consultancy, short for Plant Sex Consultancy has designed sex toys for plants in order to enhance their reproductive processes and protect them against STDs!

This new emerging type of thinking is one that acknowledges nature’s needs as similar to our own. One specific plant the researchers and designers have been using is the cyclamen, which depends on a specific type of recently extinct bee for reproduction. When a bee lands on the cyclamen it shakes or ‘vibrates’ the plant causing it to release its pollen. Thus, in an effort to support the reproduction process of the cyclamen plants, researchers have designed special vibrators as a way to replicate the shaking of the bees.Another plant used by the PSX consultancy group is the famous carnation. What many of us may not know is that the carnation is susceptible to “sexually-transmitted diseases,” or infections transmitted through insects that can cause sterilization. To combat this, researchers and designers created a contraceptive device to protect the carnation from contracting these diseases/ STD’s.

You might be asking yourselves, why is this important?

These designers and researchers are lending a hand in breaking-down the “taboo” of sex toys and sheading light on the importance of sexuality as it pertains to all aspects of life. Humans, animals and plants alike can benefit greatly from more research on pleasure, contraception, reproduction and of course, our personal favorite… vibrations

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